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Host Silk & Steel Podcast on China, history, culture, politics @SteelSilkn, wife:@BaliEarthSoul

Jan 8, 2021, 16 tweets

Zhou Enlai passed away 45 years ago today. He founded the People’s Liberation Army in 1927 after Chiang Kai-Shek massacred Communist workers in Shanghai. He helped build CPC party organization that went on to win the Civil War and govern China. His protege Deng continued his work

Zhou Enlai came from scholar-official gentry family that may have descended frm Ajall Shams al-Din Omar al-Bukhari, Central Asian Muslim governor of Yunnan who had came to China w Kublai Khan’s Mongol Army. His family fortune waned as Qing Dynasty declined. His Uncle cared 4 him

In 1911 during last days of Qing Dynasty as 13 yr old Zhou was studying in Mukden (Shenyang), Manchuria, teacher asked his class “why do you study?”

Zhou replied: 為中華之崛起 For China’s rise!

After Chinese Revolution of 1911 overthrew Qing Dynasty, Zhou went studied at Tianjin Nankai high school (Zhou on the front row left 1916). Nankai founder Chang Po-ling and Yan Xiu said he would be Prime Minister material宰相之才 and give him a full-ride scholarship.

Nankai founder Yan Xiu so impressed w Zhou Enlai that he offered his daughter’s hand in marriage but Zhou declined fear Yan as his father-in-law would dominate his life. Zhou Enlai graduation photo from Nankai

Aft graduating Nankai, Zhou studied in Japan frm 1917-1919 (front row 2nd frm left) w monetary support of his uncles and teacher Yan Xiu. He hoped to win Chinese gov scholarship by passing entrance exams to Japanese Universities but failed to do so

While in Japan, Zhou Enlai grew disenchanted w Japanese political model w its militarism as future path for China. News of Russian Revolution sparked his interest in Marxism and he started reading leading Chinese leftist intellectual Chen Duxiu’s magazine New Youth

In 1919, Zhou Enlai return to China frm Japan to attend newly opened Nankai University. Western Powers betrayed China in Treaty of Versailles by giving frmer German colony of Qingdao to Japan sparked May 4th mvmt. Zhou took part to became a leader. 21 yr old Zhou Enlai in 1919👇🏼

Zhou Enlai organized thousands of students frm Tianjin to petition Beijing gov in 1920 during May 5th mvmt. Gov arrested him and forced Nankai to expel him. Nankai founder Yan Xiu setup a fund to send Zhou to work study in Europe. 23 yr old Zhou Enlai in London 1921

In 1921, Zhou Enlai and 3 other Chinese students formed the Communist cell of Chinese students in Europe

By 1922, Zhou give up on student life and went to Berlin to fully devote himself to Revolution. Zhou Enlai on Wannsee lake in Berlin 1922

While in Paris, Zhou Enlai met 16 yr old Deng Xiaoping who came to France from Chongqing to do work study. Zhou recruited Deng into his Chinese students Communist cell. 16 yr old Deng Xiaoping in Paris 1921 colorized

Socialist Youth League meet in Paris, France 1924. Zhou Enlai in Front and Deng Xiaoping in the back.

In 1923, Sun Yatsen formally allied w Soviet Union receiving Soviet backing for his Canton gov, allowed Communist to join KMT. Comintern helped setup Whampao Military Academy to train a revolutionary army 4 Sun.

Zhou Enlai became deputy director of Academy's Political Department

Zhou Enlai (left) helped established commissar system in KMT army. He recruited cadets into Communist Party while working under Commandant Chiang Kai-shek (right). This would put two at loggerheads later. Zhou and Chiang leading Whampoa Military Academy in 1924

Sun Yatsen death in 1925 led to KMT succession crisis. Chiang Kai-shek (left) as Commandant of Whampao Military Academy, launched Canton coup in 1926 to purge Communists and seize power. Zhou Enlai (right) was arrested. Zhou left Canton afterwards and went to Shanghai to organize

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