Organizer @ali claims he organized the insurrection "with congressman @RepGosar @RepMoBrooks and @RepAndyBiggsAZ. We four schemed up putting maximum pressure on congress while they were voting..."
These 3 congressmen need to be held accountable.…
here is Arizona's official GOP account RTing Ali
here is an image of Gosar next to Ali on a promo video for the days events on Ali's youtube channel.
here is a Paul Gosar tweet from his personal account that tags Ali "Alexander" Akbar.
And here is Rep Paul Gosar calling riot organizer Ali Akbar a "true patriot"
Gosar and Ali seem quite friendly
Here is Ali handing Gosar the mic at a stop the steal event. Video posted to Gosar's Parler account Nov. 30.…
in case he takes the video down, here's the relevant section
To learn more about Ali, read this piece by @LamarWhiteJr that predicted Ali's rhetoric and events would lead to violence.…
Either Ali or Periscope deleted the original. Here’s the relevant portion
His periscope account is still active, so he may have deleted the stream himself.
According to Stop The Steal's "national organizer" Ali "Alexander" Akbar's Instagram story, he has lost access to his @Venmo, @CashApp, and @PayPal. He had been fundraising post Capitol storming, citing his need for 24/7 security guards.
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