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Jan 9, 2021, 23 tweets

A Nevada GOP Chairman sent this BONKERS letter to Republican voters:

"Let me be clear: Trump will be president for another four years. Biden will not be president. Yes, I know those are shocking words in these crazy days."

Next, he accuses Pence & the Cabinet of treason.👇🏻1/

Next, like a cherry-picking preacher twisting God's words, the GOP chairman says this:

"Go back and listen to the videos all the way through. At no point does Trump even mention Biden’s name. At no point does he say he concedes. ..." 2/ 👇🏻

Nye GOP Chair: "(Trump) does say that there will be a peaceful transition to a new admin & he does say this is only the beginning."

"Indeed, we will have a new admin made up of a new VICE PRESIDENT and CABINET as the current ones have all made their TREASON complete." 3/ 👇🏻

So here we have the chair of a GOP committee, on a party-funded site, not only calling for the overthrow of POTUSA-elect Biden and the reinstallation of Trump as our ruler, but also for the overthrow of Mike Pence, Trump's duly not-elected VP, whom he accuses of treason. 4/ 👇🏻

This bit from the NYE GOP chair about how Trump is a master chess player is amazing (No, MAGA insurrectionists weren't ANTIFA):

"Trump was late to his speaking engagement and then spoke on a number of rehashed things to the crowd of 500K+ but this created a problem. ..." 5/ 👇🏻

"You see, if Trump had spoken on time & briefly, MAGA would've been at the Capitol building w/the Antifa faction...With Trump speaking late & long, the MAGA crowd was PROTECTED & SEPARATED from the Antifa groups."

Dear Leader=AMAZING! (FACT: There was no "Antifa faction") 6/ 👇🏻

The Nye GOP chair then says Trump has not arrested anyone YET because "Trump has been adamant in following the rule of law and the Constitution." (Fact Check: LOL)

7/ 👇🏻

"He gives everyone, no matter how dirty, an opportunity to do the right thing," the Nye GOP chair says of the man whose 2016 campaign slogan against @HillaryClinton was "Lock her up!" 8/ 👇🏻

As an example of Dear Leader's mercy, the Nye GOP chair cites Trump's call to Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger, whom Trump offered a chance to "recalculate" the election results to avoid maybe imprisonment. (GA prosecutors say Trump's call may have been criminal) 9/ 👇🏻

BUT the time of Trump's mercy is ending, the Nye GOP chair says:

"But with the betrayal by Pence and Congress, the treason is now complete...The false event in the capitol revealed the final traitors for who they were...Trump flushed them out of hiding." (Praise him!) 10/ 👇🏻

After implying Trump will soon arrest & overthrow his own VP (& that he orchestrated the alleged Antifa false flag at the Capitol to root him out), the GOP chair goes full-er blown conspiracyist, claiming Pence, a Rod Rosenstein puppet, has plotted a coup for 4 years. 11/ 👇🏻

The Nye GOP chairman then tells Republicans to expect over the next 12 days a mass internet outage and that Trump will:
•invoke the Insurrection Act
•activate the emergency broadcast system
•order high profile arrests

Again, there's NO EVIDENCE for any of this. 12/ 👇🏻

Why this matters: A local GOP *chairman* sent this letter to the members of his party in Nye County.

Nye County has 18k registered GOP voters, ~½ of all Nye voters.

It isn't just fringe actors inciting violence. It's GOP leaders from the White House to the local level. 13/ 👇🏻

The Nye County GOP sells overtly white Christian nationalist merchandise w/violent imagery.

Ex: These blasphemous "GOD, GUNS & TRUMP" masks/hats, featuring a cross flanked by two AR-15s.

Fun fact: Jesus told his followers NOT to fight as the Romans carried him to his death. 14/

Not all Republicans are Christian nationalists (many decent GOPers are disgusted).

But white Christian nationalism is a GOP-wide problem. In much of the country, it's the party's defining attribute & attraction—such as in the Nye County GOP, which sells this flag. 15/

Some GOPers think normal returns after Trump.

But "normal" was a time when pro-corporate capitalist Rs in suits pandered to white Christian nationalist grassroots (whom they looked down on).

Those "rubes" made Trump POTUS. (📸 : 2010 Tea Party protest/Pargonâ on Flickr) 16/

If the GOP wants things to get better, the solution isn't to feign national unity with Dems for a moment.

They must change the course of the party, realizing Trump is a product of the course, not the cause.

The solution is a party-wide reckoning. It can't look like THIS. 17/

As long as the Chris Zimmermans hold power in the party & it caters to Chris Zimmermans, the GOP won't get better. Demographic change will marginalize it more & make it more extreme.

Leaders thought they could cater to fanatics without fanatics taking over. The result:

A GOP reckoning isn't just or primarily about saving the GOP. It's about the country. Because a democracy where a two-party system is all but written into the law cannot survive when one party is growing increasingly radical & extreme.

This ain't the moment for milquetoast. 19•

GOP leaders aren't disempowering extremists like Nye County NV GOP Chair Chris Zimmerman.

Instead, they're censuring...Cindy McCain for endorsing Biden over a man who still attacks her dead POW husband.

No major Rs have proposed censuring Trump for inciting insurrection.

Additionally: Here is a separate thread that has some interesting thoughts on people like Chairman Chris Zimmerman and the massive lies they spout:

"Concerns" that impeachment will be "divisive" is clearly nothing but bad faith & gaslighting when Rs let guys like this hold positions as party leaders—or let for Trump incite insurrection with impunity while censuring Cindy McCain.

You can't have unity without accountability.

P.S. -- The whole reason I saw this letter is because I have a burner account so I can see what's happening in far right FB groups. This was being shared in those groups and across right-wing Facebook. So this letter is already spreading far beyond Nye County.

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