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We research and ID fascists, bigots, bullies, and their enablers. Relentless AF.

Jan 15, 2021, 12 tweets

Meet Jason Mezlak, 42, of Lorain, OH. Jason is a 4th degree Proud Boy which means he's done political violence. Jason heavily promoted the 1/6 U.S. coup in DC & said he would be attending.

Proud Boys are a violent street gang & @splcenter hate group.

Cleveland Proud Boy, Jason Mezlak, first came to our attention bc he commented on Proud Boy Billy Knutson's post where he was crying about us publishing our research on him:

Jason said he's got a gun for us. He also thinks aNtEeFuH is "well funded" LOL.

Proud Boy Jason Mezlak heavily promoted the 1/6 DC coup on Parler. He's attended Proud Boy drunken brawls in DC at least twice before 1/6. He brags about engaging in violence. He said he would be attending the fascist U.S. coup.

Proud Boy Jason Mezlak has lots of violent things to say.

He fantasizes about a U.S. Civil War, says he has no choice but to get violent since the U.S. coup failed, and that he "American History X" curb stomped at least 1 person in DC in December:

Here's more violent things Cleveland Proud Boy Jason Mezlak has to say, which includes assassinating lawmakers and politicians. He has a lengthy rap sheet so we take his threats seriously.

Cleveland Proud Boy Jason Mezlak even got him some cringy Proud Boy tattoos!

Literally no one:

Cleveland Proud Boy Jason Mezlak:

Cleveland Proud Boy Jason Mezlak has lots of Proud Boy gang member friends, including James Earl Thompson. We published our research on James here:


Proud Boy Jason Mezlak has 2 @Facebook accounts. Facebook has a clear policy against Proud Boy content.

⚠️ Report: &

Facebook IDs: 1709790199 & 100021659868443

@facebookai @fbnewsroom

Learn more about the fascist, violent street gang and @splcenter designated hate group here:…

To be clear, since we can't go back and edit, the 4th image of the 4th tweet in this thread is a post 4th degree Cleveland Proud Boy Jason Mezlak liked on Parler. It was just one of *many* violent posts he liked, shared or otherwise engaged with.

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