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Jan 16, 2021, 46 tweets

All the bizarre and horrifying things he did are going to come back to us at random moments like half-remembered scraps of dreams.

"Am I wrong or did the president of the United States sit behind a truck just like a big boy and make honk honk sounds? Was that a real one or did I just ... OK he did? He did. Good. OK."

Now listen am I off here or did Trump make the joint chiefs pose for a fake situation room photo after all the shit was unplugged and make them pretend he was part of the successful op against Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi while they all looked like they'd swallowed a live cat—he did! OK.

I know I dreamed the one where he stood framed dead center of a Kubrick-meets-John-Watters kitsch nightmare of fast food hillocks wearing a face that screamed "I'm a used car salesman who just murdered my wife and I'm about to shit my pants," that one didn't happen—what, really?

Now I *know* I'm making up the time he went to El Paso after a horrific gun massacre, turning a national tragedy into a gross photo op, capped by giving a shit eating grin thumbs up while posed with an infant orphaned by a gun policy he himself—WHAT?


🎶memories ... 🎶

"No. No. Go to hell, Bob. Even if everyone remembers whatever the hell this was I'm not going to believe whatever this was actually happened."

This one just about melted my brain.

Did he really sit like a petulant child with Germany's chancellor and refuse to shake her hand?

The escalator ...

Shoving to the front ...

The stupid handshake thing ...

Hurricane Sharpie ...

Whatever the hell this bullshit was...

Authorizing the brutality of protestors of brutality so that he could walk across the street and hold up a book he's never read so that conservative Christians would know that it was on their behalf that he had delivered the one thing they truly worship, which is state violence.

Fighting with the family of a fallen soldier ...

Fighting with a different family of a different fallen soldier ...

Giving Rush Fucking Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom ...

Suggesting that the reason for the mask shortages is because the medical professionals whose lives he is endangering are hording them ...

Gasping for air on the balcony, projecting a weak man's notion of strength, the horrifying implications of the phrase "one of the diers" ...

Pardoning Joe Arpaio, imprisoned for racist profiling, who ran concentration camps in the desert ...

The time he called Americans who died in war "suckers" and "losers" ...

Calling Haiti and African nations "shithole countries" ...

Selling access to himself at his gross country club for assholes ...

The unfathomable glee with which he and his pallid coterie of supremacist ghouls carried out the unfathomable cruelty of their family separation policy ...

Going to court to make the specific argument that children detained in his concentration camps should not have access to toothbrushes, soap, or other toiletries...

The time he trotted out his pale damp dead-eyed psycho killer of a senior advisor, Stephen Miller, to take a shit on the Statue of Liberty ...

The time he went to the EU and used the exact language of far right extremists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis, to talk about immigrants.


The time he used the exact language of neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups to talk about South Africa.


The time he used the word "infest" to describe immigrants, a term popular with Nazis of all ages, when it comes to immigrants, among others.


The time he praised murderous Nazis in the wake of their violent occupation.


The time he tepidly walked back that comment, and later called doing so "the biggest f**king mistake" of his presidency. cnn.com/2018/09/04/pol…

The OTHER time he praised murderous Nazis in the wake of their violent occupation. rollingstone.com/politics/polit…

The time he approvingly retweeted a Nazi, for the second time that year.

In February. msnbc.com/msnbc/trump-re…

The time when, upon being asked to repudiate Nazis, he told Nazis to "stand by" during a televised debate. apnews.com/article/electi…

The time he led them in a bloody insurrection to overturn an election he lost... fox5dc.com/video/887807

The time he lied to the nation for a year about the severity of a pandemic and a half a million people, disproportionately people of color, died. npr.org/2020/09/10/911…

The weird way he stands ...

The time he sabotaged his national pandemic response specifically because it would kill people from states where a majority of voters don't support him politically, which just so happen to also be disproportionally people of color. businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-…

The time he called police violence against journalists "a beautiful sight." forbes.com/sites/andrewso…

This one specific time he encouraged and praised police brutality, an almost daily occurrence.


All the times Trump called journalists "the enemy of the people," specifically echoing Stalinism. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…

Praising all the military dictators for being military dictators and all the killing ... politico.com/story/2017/05/…

The time he bragged about protecting a Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman from scrutiny after bin Salmon murdered journalist U.S. resident, and Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi by dismembering him with a bone saw, citing our arms deal. vanityfair.com/news/2020/09/d…

The way he constantly advocated for war profiteering and using our military as a profit center. washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/1…

Refusing to blend.

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