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Jan 18, 2021, 15 tweets

This #BTS_MVMondays is highlighting Black Swan in honor of its 1 year anniversary. To start off, we'd like to quote Martha Graham as this was an inspiration for the music and MV.

"A dancer dies twice — once when they stop dancing, and this first death is more painful."


It’s fitting that the location for the Black Swan MV was shot in a theater. It ties in themes from the song of being artists and performers who fear losing that passion that ignites them while realizing what it all means to them in the end.


Like the chiaroscuro technique used in art, the contrast between light and dark is carried throughout the MV. Much of this is achieved through the control of light and shadows along with the colors of their outfits which is black and white.


Shadow is a recurring theme in the song/MV. It symbolizes the hidden shadow that they have in themselves. Some of the members do not notice their shadows while others see and/or interact with them.


Lighting ‘technique’ to show the difference of how the number of lighting/lighting source creates the dramatic shadow/chiaroscuro effect.


The Grand Lobby rises to 54ft (16.5m) high vaulted ceilings. It features mirrors, fluted columns, crystal chandeliers, and very detailed plaster ornaments. The use of a low exaggerated camera angle accentuates the volume of the interior space and details.


A lot of the composition of the scenes in the MV always emphasizes the member or the group either through use of lighting (below) or placing them centered on the screen. This emphasizes them as the “performers/artists” in this theater setting.


Chiaroscuro is used heavily in this scene with J-Hope centered in the frame being lit from the side. The elements surrounding him are barely visible but you get a glimpse of his surroundings, achieved with one light source in the space.


The basement lounge, sometimes referred to as the ballroom, consists of a parquet wooden floor and walnut paneled walls. Originally, the parquet floors were covered by carpet. The entrance to the Ladies Lounge and the Telephone Booths are found here.


This scene with Jin is one of the brighter scenes in the MV. Additionally, the lighting here is a lot cooler in tone in contrast to the rest of the MV which is much warmer.


This scene showed Jungkook observing his shadow minimizing at the curtain and coming to terms with it as he leaves the scene.


Bonus: Some info we found on that super cool periscope system. According to their website, the Los Angeles Theater was " the most technically advanced theatre of its day".

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This led to the viewing screen located in the basement lounge/ballroom. Here's also S. Charles Lee's rendering of the ballroom!

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Oh, one more. The ladies restroom corridor is so cool. I love all the details shown here. I believe the sinks are still the original sinks. They even had hand dryers that you could control with a foot pedal. Even the nursery's ceiling is really cool.

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Here's a close up on that curtain act curtain with the 3d details.

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