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Jan 19, 2021, 8 tweets

We want to try and address how HUGE the open-pit coal mine issue really is...

It's hard to envision how MASSIVE mines are. Here is BC's operational Teck mine (pink) next to Alberta's coal leases in the Livingstone Range (orange). They're similar but how big are they?

There are 5 separate mine sites along 88km of the Elk Valley. You'd have to hike 86km to walk the perimeter of the largest site and it takes up 141sq/km of the once pristine valley.

Those are some big numbers but it's still hard to visualize... how big is that?

To try to give you a better grasp of the size, we transplanted the mines into Kananaskis.

The mines virtually encompass the entire landscape between Kananaskis Hwy, Spray Lakes Road and the Trans Canada Highway.

If you put the Teck mines in Calgary, it would virtually cover all of Calgary as well!

Remember, these are STRIP mines meaning they strip absolutely everything, leaving no nature behind.

As tragic as clear-cuts can be, this has no comparison in size or destuction...

Let's step back to todays announcement that the gov is cancelling 11 coal leases instead of reinstating Lougheed's Policy protecting Cat 2 land from Strip Mining.

Each of the small orange blocks represent a lease. 11 were removed, the rest remain. Most of this area is Cat 2

If you think losing 11 tiny squares out of the many leases in the Livingstone Range is minuscule... let's zoom out.

All of the Livingstone leases and the Teck Mines, are unfortunately a tiny drop in the bucket when we look at the leases and potential mines across the province.

Jumping back to the start... we can see the red highlighted Cat 2 area where Lougheed's Coal Policy protected our fragile Rocky Mountain habitat from strip mining.

The policy protecting nature, wildlife, cattle & communities for years to come... was rescinded on June 1st, 2020.

Cat 2 is not just in Livingstone but across the entire eastern slopes.

The Elk River and tributaries has >180,000 fish die annually due to Selenium poisoning with 150parts/billion when 2 is recommended. The Elk Valley is ruined.

Let's not let the same thing happen here!

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