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Adult human female.

Jan 22, 2021, 19 tweets

Anyone else notice how when an athlete comes out as a transwoman, the press only show photos of them alone, so they look lonely, isolated, harmless? This is cyclist Emily Bridges 1/

Emily was a champion male youth cyclist. And seemed a similar build to other competitors. Often beating these boys. 2/

When next to girls or women, we saw a size difference. 3/

But soon, Emily will be competing against female riders, because that will make Emily happy. What about the girls, you ask? Yes, what about them? If Emily is winning and happy, isn’t that enough? Won’t that be fairness, equality, justice? 4/

June Eastwood gets soft focus, beautiful photos and speaks in such a gentle, kind voice. Always shown alone, feeling left out. Won’t someone help Juniper? 5/

Cross-country is a lonely business. 6/

Not competing against girls makes Juniper very sad. Can you help put this admittedly charming smile back on June’s face? 7/

Of course when you see June next to other girls, you might think, hey, this isn’t fair. But whose happiness comes first? Remember the cute smile! And the braids! 8/

Isn’t girls’ and women’s sport all about having fun and sportsmanship and learning to lose gracefully with a smile on your face? Even if the girl who beats you carries an impressive lunchbox? Today’s girls must learn to BE KIND and step aside. Or else. 9/9

How could I forget poor Lindsay Hecox? All alone. Can you help? 💔

Lindsay is so marginalised. See, they even say so on the cover of Sports Illustrated. So so unfair. Won’t you heed her pleas for fairness and justice?

Lindsay just wants to run! All day, all night, Marianne. Can you help, girls? Can you put aside your selfish dreams and ambitions and step aside to give poor Lindsay a spot on the starting line? That’s ALL she is asking for? See her lonely struggle. Tragique!

Emily had a few accidents and injuries and wasn’t performing so well in the male category, so surely it’s only fair to allow Emily to race against girls now?! 💔

Emily will also help research into how much transwomen shrink and their skeletons alter and they become just like a female human, after one year on oestrogen (powerful stuff). Oh sorry, they don’t shrink but they cycle slower. Especially during the research tests, amirite? 😜🤔

I played high school volleyball. Not particularly well, but many on my team were superb. But can you imagine if the other teams had a transgirl? 🤬🤬

The striker on the left (above) is Tifanny Abreu, the 1st transwoman to play in the Brazilian Women’s Volleyball Superliga. She’s 6’4”, but hey, lots of tall women in volleyball, right?

Please don’t presume Tifany has an advantage – quite the opposite. She says her testosterone is a LIABILITY. Any advantage could be due to superior training techniques in the men’s league, but again, her strength is down to her own hard work. onthedotwoman.com/woman/tifanny-…

Hey, fellow Biden voters. Please read this thread. #BidenErasedWomen

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