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Roving journalist, friend to all dogs mtracey@protonmail.com

Feb 4, 2021, 10 tweets

Congress has turned into some kind of bizarre public psychotherapy session where elected officials compete amongst one another for who can exhibit the most overbearing narcissistic personality disorder nypost.com/2021/02/04/how…

AOC is on the floor of the House saying that anyone who questions the claims of "survivors" -- because everyone in Congress is apparently a "survivor" now -- is guilty of exacerbating the "trauma" of ALL "survivors" everywhere in the country. Again, this is insanely manipulative

Pelosi gave AOC a special 60-minute order to allow "space" for members of Congress to publicly express their emotions and "lived experience" on the floor of the House. That is what's occurring right now

Rep. Dean Phillips is tearfully apologizing to AOC for previously failing to recognize his privilege. This is the business of the House of Representatives right now

Rep. Mark Takano condemns those who have sought to "gaslight" AOC and others who claim they underwent trauma

Rashida Tlaib is bawling on the floor of the House. She can't even get through a sentence. This is a group therapy session (taxpayer funded and televised)

"Everybody's experiences must be validated," says Cori Bush. Sorry, you are no longer allowed to "invalidate" the "experiences" of politicians -- that's "harm"

AOC's voice is quivering as she concludes this bizarre group therapy session. She has successfully imported the language of self-confessional therapeutic moralism into the House, with full support from Dem Leadership. Gotta give her credit for achieving her objectives!

Doing a stream momentarily in which I too will share my "lived experiences"

Column is in today’s NY Post if interested

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