Big Bird Profile picture
Sesame Street's official 8'2 bird... I'm too tall to be short!

Feb 5, 2021, 8 tweets

I heard my friends on Twitter were asking about my cousins around the world! It’s true, I have a lot of bird cousins in different countries. Here’s a little bit about them:

This is Abelardo, he’s from Mexico. We reunited in California last summer during my road trip!

This is Pino, he lives in The Netherlands. He’s a few years younger than me, but we’re the same height!

Meet cousin Minik Kuş! He’s from Turkey, but he's no turkey himself! He's a canary bird just like me.

This is Poupas from Portugal. I haven’t seen him in a long time. If anyone sees him let him know Big Bird says hi!

You may know this cousin – this is Little Bird! He stops by Sesame Street every once in a while.

This is Garibaldo from Brazil! He may look scary, but he’s one of the nicest birds I know!

Thanks for learning about my family! It’s fun having cousins all around the world! 💛

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