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➡ To satisfy fantasies and imagine beyond the limits, Soonhoonists

Feb 8, 2021, 39 tweets



where assumptions can only lead Soonyoung into two things: one a love story with a happy ending or two an embarrassment that will hunt him for rest of his life

so, what will be Soonyoung’s fate?

#howoolibrary #soonhoon #howoo

β€” 🍚🐯🌻❀️

hi admin 🐼 here!!

i am back with another au πŸ€— please do read the reminders before continuing, thanks ☺️❀️

β€” 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” THE CHARACTERS 🍚🐯🌻❀️ (1/3)

β€” THE CHARACTERS 🍚🐯🌻❀️ (2/3)

β€” THE CHARACTERS 🍚🐯🌻❀️ (3/3)

+ i might add other characters as the story progresses 😊

β€” 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 001 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 002 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 003 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 004 🍚🐯🌻❀️

!!! tw: panic attack & a disclaimer i’m not that knowledgeable about this topic so please correct me if i'm wrong, i would definitely appreciate that thank you !!!

- admin 🐼

β€” 005 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 006 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 007 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 008 🍚🐯🌻❀️

grey: Seokmin
blue: Jihoon

β€” 009 🍚🐯🌻❀️

grey: Chan
blue: Seokmin

β€” 010 🍚🐯🌻❀️

grey: Chan
blue: Jihoon

that’s for today’s update! if you have time please go and check out our pinned tweet other stories by the admins and by other writers are there so i appreciate you if you check it out!

for now good bye β€˜till the next update ☺️❀️

- admin 🐼

β€” 011 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 012 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 013 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 014 🍚🐯🌻❀️

short update for tonight, hope you like it! and see you tomorrow 😊

- admin 🐼


a/n: i forgot to post this in the previous update πŸ˜…

β€” 015 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 016 🍚🐯🌻❀️

back to the Lee sibs + Chan’s playing cupid πŸ˜‚

β€” 017 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 018 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 019 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 020 🍚🐯🌻❀️

blue: Jihoon
gray: Chan

a/n: sorry for the delay of updates, here’s today’s update, btw the upcoming updates will be on narration, i hope you enjoy it… i might end this story sooner or later 😊

β€” 21 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 22 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 23 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 24 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 25 🍚🐯🌻❀️

β€” 26 🍚🐯🌻❀️

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