Munya Mudhumeni🇿🇼🇿🇦 Profile picture
Sales Agronomist National Tested seeds | Horticulture expert | consultant |

Feb 11, 2021, 6 tweets

Technical Growing information for butternut production #ZimAgricRising

Family: Cucurbit
Scientific name : Curcubita Moschata
Temp Requirement: 18 to 24°C
Frost sensitive
Maturity days: 85 to 110days
thread 👇 @cmashx @basera_john @ndakaripa @FarmDudeZW @corporatefarmg1

Market segments

1 Fresh market
2 Processing
3 pre-packs
4 Export

Fruit size and fruit quality are the major determinant for market classification..product range from 0.6 to 3kg

Land preparation
Ridges and raised beds standard of 30 to 40cm high are a must in the rainy season to counter water logging main agent for leaching.. minimize water logging. Plant roots are deprived of oxygen, begin to suffocate and die

Soil Requirement
Compatible with a wide range of soil types that are not saline, low salt levels
pH 6.0 – 6.5 Best results are obtained with well-drained soils. Performs well with well decomposed organic matter.. compost and cow manure are an added advantage

Input Requirements

Seed rate : 2 to 4kg Opv
10 000sds to 15 000sds hyb

Fertiliser requirement : 300kg to 450kg basal

Top dressing : 100kg N
50kg P
100 K

Manure : handful per station

Cultural practices
Use agro-chemicals that are bee friendly, fungicides to be sprayed with a stick on agent say wetter in the rainy season and rotation of active ingredients ... Bees are an important aspect of pollination, incorporate them by bee hives and attractors

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