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Feb 18, 2021, 5 tweets

#TunnelCommander and #SleevelessRedTattoos side by side in front of the Tunnel, at some point during Phase II of the Tunnel fight. (2:59)


Also interesting to see #RyanNichols (arrested) involved in this assault on police on top of window breaking later on. (3:43) I wonder what the charges against him are and if they're aware of this?


#CommanderBlueHoodie with #BuffLightyear and #CommanderCamo a couple rows further back. (7:08)


#SeattleUWGuy a couple people over from #CommanderBlueHoodie at 7:09 and #GreenNewsboy and #BlackHandedRedHood to the right of the Tunnel at 7:12


#BlackHandedRedHood really putting his back into the "heave ho" assault on police at the Tunnel starting at 58:57.


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