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Visit PlanetSlade for Murder Ballads, Secret London & More. Inset quote: Kurt Vonnegut.

Feb 22, 2021, 7 tweets

I'm going to tidy up these Old Street "model village" tweets into a single thread with the hashtag #TinyMurals. It all started yesterday when I spotted this shop window in London EC1.

When I stopped to inspect it, I realised it used several real structures in its layout - such as the tea warehouse, coat hanger bridge and video advertising hoarding in nearby Shoreditch. #TinyMurals.

What I mostly liked it about it, though, was all the little graffiti murals the makers had added throughout the model. No depiction of East London would be complete without them. #TinyMurals.

Putting these two thoughts together, I started to wonder if the murals might be taken from real life too. Back at home, I started trying to track a few of them down. These ones seemed most susceptible to a Google Images search, so that's where I started. #TinyMurals.

I started to hit pay dirt. Image 1: Real graffiti in Southbank Centre's skatepark. Image 2: Model's copy of it. Image 3: Real graffiti at Waterloo East. Image 4: Model's copy of it. #TinyMurals.

Here's another example. Image 1: Real graffiti at Grenfell Tower in West London. Image 2: The model's copy of it. #TinyMurals.

Now I'm wondering how many more of the model's #TinyMurals we can track down. If you recognise any of these images from your own part of London, please add tips or (better yet) photographs to this thread. Thank you.

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