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celi | ESP/ENG | D&D OCs!! sometimes fanarts

Feb 23, 2021, 9 tweets

[1/8] im drawing a comic abt kaeyas vision story!! ill be updating it as i finish the rest of the pages, i hope u like it!! #genshinimpact #原神 #kaeya #diluc

[2/8] !

[3/8] bros being sad.... #GenshinImpact #原神 #kaeya #diluc

[4/8] we’re halfway through! it all just goes downhill from here.. #GenshinImpact #原神 #kaeya #diluc

[5/8] new pages for kaeya vision comic! diluc is,, going apeshit #GenshinImpact #原神 #kaeya #diluc

[6/8] update! oh diluc,, #GenshinImpact #原神 #kaeya #diluc

[7/8] update! kaeya gets his vision #GenshinImpact #原神 #kaeya #diluc

[8/8] FINAL UPDATE! thank u so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed the comic! what did u think of it? <:)

forgot to tag hehe #GenshinImpact #Kaeya #Diluc

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