Shiek Wang 王峙凱 Profile picture
Tom Foolery Expert for @Bungie since the ‘90s || Arted @halo in the ‘00s || Art directing @destinythegame since the ‘10s || covid dodging in the ‘20s

Feb 28, 2021, 8 tweets

(1/8)Let's talk about the #halo phantom design real quick before we go to bed. One of my personal favorite redesigns.

(2/8)Like I said earlier, I didn't quite like the Spirit design. When Halo 2 came around, we were all in the mindset of improving on CE, box product mentality.

Given that chance, I wanted to give the #halocovenant dropship a more animalistic personality.

(3/8)Initially, I tried redesigning the Spirit with more of a curved shape. As indicated by this sketch here. But it lacked the personality the Spirit already had. So this felt like a half, or step backwards. The curved transport also proved hard to carry units functionally.

(4/8)After many failed attempts to curve the Spirit, I sketched out a promising silhouette.

This was the very first sketch of the now Phantom.

It finally had a new but interesting personality, AND animalistic. Which animal?

(5/8)The Phantom was based on the cobra. The graceful yet aggressive posture it has, and how it's narrow in the front but broadens out was such a beautiful natural design. That curvature doubled up as the negative space to hold vehicles under it's 'wing span'.

(6/8)Once the feel was set, it was time to figure out the details. If the concave portion can house the vehicles, where do the units come from?

I attempted to have units come out the back. But the Spirit already proved 360 engagement was too much fun.

(7/8)Thus the magic tractor beam. Using the same technology as the Spirit holo tractor beams, the Phantom employs it as a tube. But this time to drop units down one by one to be engaged from any which direction, ready for sandbox fun.

(8/8)Alright, hope that was another fun read for an old design. Now it's time for bed!

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