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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ au writer⠀ ✨ my name is yal ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ very much 2seok

Mar 1, 2021, 202 tweets

bts the office au where 🍃


meanwhile taejoon...


i kinda wanna continue this


- inspired by “the office” but not everything is the same
- there is no equivalent to the character and the boys (so even if hobi is the boss he isn’t exactly like michael scott)
- social media au
- probably short
- no specific ships as of yet

3. namseok vs christmas

4. yoonmin sus maybe??


6. Jin really hates his job

7. thickest thighs award goes to... namjoon !

8. Fattest ass employee ft. whatever yoonmin have going on

9. BRUNCH awards continue

10. favoritism is the workplace ft. Yoonmin (again?!?)

11. yoonmin pt 1

12. yoonmin pt.2

13. i’m feeling God in this chili’s tonight

14. namjoon and his twin (?)

15. Where is Jimin?

16. Jinmin things (also i have never seen naturo i just googled the facts 😭)

17. Jinmin cute or whatever

18. Jimin got the job???

19. yoonmin talk (idk why i’m making this kinda angsty 😭)

20. Goodbyes (there’s a week time skip also i really love jinmin sue me 😭😫)

21. Missing jimino’clock at the office

22. On another note loves it there!

23. time skip pt. 1 ft just another day in the office

24. time skip pt.2 ft jimin

25. kinda angsty also highkey #yoonminau

26. what’s updog

27. Jungkooks video game addiction

28. an intervention

29. Hobi is adorable but what’s new?

30. #hopekook or #2seok who will it be in this au 🤔🤭

31. meanwhile taejoon...

32. improv class

33. Jimin liked... jimin misses

34. vmin soulmate in every universe


36. I wonder what happened 🧐

37. Jimin in a dilemma

38. jimin has lost it??? maybe idk

39. oomfs is going through it

40. jimins decision

41. next morning ft jikook back at it again.

42. meanwhile in the office this week...

43. yoongi using emojis???? sope are cute.

44. jimin is back, but also what’s up with taejoon 🤔

45. jimin is back pt.2 ft yoongi’s character growth using emojis

46. Home :)


48. jikook are hobi’s defense squad

49. seokjin was in a band (also i noticed how i kept saying jikook instead of jinkook last updated 😭)

50. Who are we talking about?

51. Jaemi arrived (also this is a couple of days later)

52. Shhh taegi are communicating???

53. Taejoon have a deal.

54. 2 days after, jaemi comes in late because he suddenly has a rash???

55. God has favorites (yoongi) -jungkook.

56. cont

57. How is hobi the manager you ask? No one knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

58. Taegi are kinda cute don’t you think? 🤔

59. meanwhile

60. on this week in the office jinmin are back at it again

61. the next day

62. bets were made

63. jinkook evil duo

64. it’s naruto all over again also never get on jins bad side.

65. and when i say jinkook partners in crime (unrelated but i miss jinminkook lives pls lets manifest one 😭)

66. it’s the weekend

67. saturday ft. yoongi being a cutie

68. sunday ft 2seokook improv buddies

69. it’s monday someone save namjoon from yoonmin’s tension and taehyung simping on him pls 😭

70. jimin going through it

71. yoonmin confrontation pt.1

72. Confrontation pt.2


74. hobi saw

75. jinkook never pass an opportunity to hit on hobi and i respect that

76. jimin coming out of the closet again

78. yoonmin are THAT kind of couple

79. emphasis on BOYFRIEND

80. the people have spoken

81. Hobi has jinkook whipped

82. hoseok recruiting people

83. seokjin is so whipped for hobi he’d enter a scheme knowingly

84. When the kings son emails you...

85. not a pyrmid scheme?

86. jungkook to the rescue...

87. jaemi and jimin sharing some tea??? maybe???

89. meow meow

90. regular jinkook and hobi content

91. the office’s regularly scheduled complaints

92. complaints feedback ft. yoonmin being themselves

93. namjoons plant “smellina” “smellena”

94. jaemi and jimin plotting something

95. memo

96. PDA complaint

97. what is up with namjoon thou?

98. Can i officially say #jinkookau now?

99. jimin is delighted

100. jinkook thought they were obvious but guess not...

101. should i say 2seokook??? 👀

102. taehyung has a declaration

103. this sounds interesting of jinhopekook ☺️

104. jinkook best boyfies

105. who’s gonna tell jimin...

106. (jungkook pov) also what kind of roommates did hobi have 😭


108. taejoon when??

109. hobi’s inspiring words (a couple of days later)

110. who vs whom ft. a passive aggressive taehyung

111. the weekend pt1

112. the weekend pt2 (yoonmin)

113. the weekend pt3

114. the weekend pt. 4

115. namjoon sweetie...

116. taejoon argue

117. the tension...

118. another day at the office another shenanigan

119. no but how does hobi know how cults work...

120. what is jin up to 👀

121. jimin does not back down

122. I literally love jinmin so much?

123. cont

124. “I know :/

125. commercial break with 2seokook over the weekend

126. yoonmin clowning them AND eachother

127. then there’s taehyung 💀

128. namjoon wants to talk...

129. jimin wants to know

130. what happened

131. taegimin

132. joon tried again...

133. taejoon things

134. Gardenzen Washington

135. another morning at the office

136. hobi’s new filing system ??

137. jinkook whipped for hobi a non ending saga really

138. 2seokook convo (jungkooks pov)

139. TrAvEl JanitOr NOw (please ignore the fact that jungkook contact has taehyung written above it instead of his name 😭)

140. a plan is being set in motion

141. he just wants to go home

142. but then

143. taehyung is VERY calm and so NOT losing his shit

144. tae on the tl

145. Cont-

146. the way he went through all stages of grief in a couple of minutes

147. the problem????

148. he actually said yes?

149. it’s okay joon you got this

150. the talk pt1

152. The talk pt.2

153. The talk pt.3

154. the rest of the office getting curious

155. Jinhopekook are lomls

156. yoongi has an idea

157. what a way to confess i guess

158. #taejoonau i guess

159. hating me won’t make you pretty

160. freedom (plus jimin being jimin)

170. Hobi brings some news (also sorry for the late update 😭😭😭)

171. Favoritism in the work place (again)

172. work bus

173. the office reacts

174. jimin threatens

175. Pretzel day

176. Conflict pt.1 (joon???)

177. Conflict pt.2 (yoongi is scary when it comes to jimin watch out)

178. Conflict pt.3 (taehyung knows his priorities thou)

179. hobi is not having it.

180. Hobi finds a solution

181. Pies

cw: // food

182. ((small time skip)) LOOK AT 2SEOKOOK

183. yoonmin said me too

184. taejoon said step aside

185. meanwhile jaemi

⛔️ NOTICE ⛔️


186. Taehyung smells something sketchy

187. Vhope speculate some things

188. tae’s thought process

189. questions were asked

190. he sees something

191. wait

192. so what goes on??

193. Jimin story time

194. Jinmin taking notes to propose to hobi

195. joon is there

196. yoonmin gay and engaged

197. Taehyung shares important information


198. the grooms have arrived

199. taejoon vs jinhopekook

200. then we have jaemi

cw: // food

201. yoonmin husbands things

202. the office :)

—- THE END —-

This is my first ever complete au so i’m kinda all over the place with the fact that it’s over! I hope everyone enjoyed it and that it was a good read and that it didn’t disappoint

(( #btsau #yoonminau #jinhopekookau #taejoonau ))

Thank you so much for reading and sticking till the end 💖 curiouscat.qa/meetseokie

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