Bill Rice🍎 Profile picture
Former VP Chamber of Commerce. I've met 2 Prime Ministers and chatted with a third. I once had a Premier crash one of my parties uninvited. lifelong volunteer.

Mar 6, 2021, 24 tweets

Stephen Harper's IDU CPC Conservative Gov't was the most criminally corrupt gov't of miscreants in our history
Let's revisit that gov't
FUN FACT: The IDU CPC Conservatives had the largest gov't in 🇨🇦 history tied for 1st place with Brian Mulroney #cdnpoli…

What did Canadians learn about SNC Lavalin?
It was the largest criminal corruption case in Canadian history perpetrated by IDU CPC Conservative Arthur Porter who was arrested for taking $22 million in kickbacks from SNC Lavalin. #cdnpoli…

The IDU CPC Conservatives paid SNC Lavilin $60 million to take Canada's multi-billion Candu reactor technology.…

IDU CPC Conservative Minister John Baird accompanied SNC Lavalin to Libya to introduce them to Moammar Gadhafi that facilitated the contract work for bribes scheme $55 million worth, in fact. #cdnpoli…

This is the IDU CPC appointed senator Don Meredith being investigated for having sex with children and was forced to resign a lucrative lifetime senate appointment in shame. #cdnpoli…

Five years after the former IDU CPC Conservative Senator was forced to resign in shame, staffers win the harassment suit against Don Meredith costing Canadians 1/2 million dollars…

IDU CPC Conservatives prorogue parliament to prevent 🇨🇦 from hearing the testimony of how Afghani detainees were turned over for torture including a little Afghani boy who was raped so violently his intestines were coming out of his body. #cdnpoli…

The IDU CPC Conservatives were so thoughtless in their desperate attempt to be re-elected in 2015 whipped up anti-immigration, anti-hijab, tip line values test rhetoric it culminated into 25 shot and 6 dead Quebec god-fearing worshippers. #cdnpoli

The IDU CPC government employed 3,325 spin doctors, at a cost of $263 million…..almost equal to the cost of operating the House of Commons #cdnpoli…

This IDU CPC Conservative operative, Micheal Sona, went to prison for Robocalls. During sentencing, the judge noted that this couldn't have been done without the help of senior Conservative officials #cdnpoli…

Edward Snowden exposes that the IDU CPC Conservatives were illegally spying on Canadians and actually got caught spying on Brazil to the embarrassment of our nation #cdnpoli

Aboriginal child welfare advocate Cindy Blackstock was spied on by the CPC gov't, she was barred from a meeting with other 1st Nations leaders at the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. The Flag of Canada Human Rights Tribunal awarded her thousands of dollars in compensation #cdnpoli


The IDU CPC Conservatives gave the Canadian wheat board away for free to their Corporate Saudi benefactors, despite a consortium of local Canadian farmers offering to purchase it for the fair market value of $300 million. #cdnpoli

After the USA halted all import's from XL meats, For 10 days the IDU CPC government allowed Canadians to consume the tainted meat poisoning dozens of Canadians across the country #cdnpoli

Bruce Carson brought on by the IDU CPC Conservatives despite his long criminal record was convicted of Influence peddling #cdnpoli

The IDU CPC Conservatives Falsified government documents including CIDA documents by Bev Oda, The Senate committee reports on the Duffy affair and falsified a report by the auditor General critical of their financial management. #cdnpoli

To refute the testimony of a Quebec Mosque shooter victim, CPC's Michael Cooper quotes from the manifesto of the man guilty of the mass Muslim killings in Christchurch, New Zealand #cdnpoli

September 28th, 2020
Five years later former steve harper IDU CPC Conservative power broker Rob Anders is charged with a criminal offense during his time in office.…

Five years after the former IDU CPC Conservative Senator was forced to resign in shame, staffers win the harassment suit against Don Meredith costing Canadians 1/2 million dollars…

for some reason, that version cut short. keep the thread reader version

There was also the $1M that appeared in Stacey Meek's bank account from Peguis First Nation after a $126-million land-claim settlement from the federal government in 2010, while Mr. Toews was the political minister for Manitoba.…

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