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Tweets from the @Sustrans team in London. We're the charity making it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle. Join us on our journey.

Mar 9, 2021, 6 tweets

Amazing news from @willnorman this morning on the success of School Streets.

Air pollution down, play time up!

We’re proud to have supported 153 School Streets in more than half of the boroughs in London so far, via the #healthystreets officer programme, funded by @TfL.

Waiting at the school gates is now pollution free at Bevington primary #SchoolStreet in @RBKC.

This is just one #SchoolStreet our #HealthyStreetsOfficers have helped to organise with @TfL. @BevingtonRBKC

And is that the sound of Birdsong at Camelot Primary in Peckham?


We really value input from officers at the boroughs we work with.

As part of our #HealthyStreetsOfficer programme, we host monthly streetspace knowledge sharing sessions with officers to share best practice tips.

These are the results:

But work isn't finished there.

Helping more people to enjoy #SchoolStreets in their borough remains a big focus going into the summer term and next academic year.

Here's to more scenes like this, in Wimbledon Park, @Merton_Council, across London.

#SchoolStreets can make a big difference to the health of young people in London.

Since #SchoolStreets monitoring started in 2020, nitrogen dioxide emissions dropped by up to 23% during morning drop off alone.

Check out @TfL's full report, below.…

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