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Probably Either Riding or Writing | Words @ Disney + Spotify + That One West Wing Spec Thread | What would Easy Rawlins do? 💖💜💙 MGMT: @HEROESnVILLAINS

Mar 18, 2021, 8 tweets

I’m still on Facebook mostly because I have a friend who runs a wildlife rescue and had to keep a bobcat that’s unreleasable because he was dropped on his head by a hawk as a kitten and doesn’t understand he’s a predator

It’s an absolute Pixar movie. Fennel is his favorite toy.

This bobcat is not bright.

I cannot overstate how not bright he is.

An apex predator in his natural ecosystem, meant to patrol a range of multiple square miles and terrorize smaller wildlife, in captivity he has taken up sunbathing and eating vegetables.

Keeping a apex predator with two working brain cells is still expensive as hell, so you can buy this ridiculous potato some fennel here:…

He’ll be an education animal in schools, post-pandemic, because he probably thinks he IS a human third grader.

Awwwwwwww I just went on Facebook and his rescuer posted about how they suddenly got a bunch of donations

Here is a bobcat tongue of thanks, I didn’t mention that his rescuer had their house destroyed by a tornado last year but they did and they def deserved a boost today!!!

A thank you from T'Challa's rescuer 💜💜💜💜

They were with him giving a presentation to a Scouts troop when this thread went viral and people started sending donations for this sweet boy's fennel!

Follow T'Challa's further adventures here:…

This fellow resident at For Fox Sake may also be relevant to your interests.

Attention Internet: T’Challa received a huge gift box of fennel and toys from you today!!!

In true T’Challa fashion he was initially scared of the box because it made a noise, but he’s now having the time of his life.

Read more from his rescuer:…

Video description for the above tweet:

Bobcat investigates box labeled “To T’Challa, Love, Internet.” The box is full of fennel bulbs and big fluffy toys.

He runs away when the box makes a noise and rolls on his back in the sun, but then goes back to the box and chooses a toy.

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