lumi⁷ Profile picture
aus • she/they • 20 •

Mar 19, 2021, 103 tweets

#minjoonau where

no i did not repost it because i made a typo what ever do you mean

anyways lmk ur thoughts bc i wrote this at 4am when my insomnia decided to make herself known

remember how i said i would start this after my other au well i lied 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️


> i planned out maybe a total of two scenes for this so we are going wherever the wind takes us with this one
> college setting
> swearing bc i cannot restrain myself
> short? medium?
> fluff? crack? angst? i have no idea

> once again this idea was born during an insomnia flare up don't expect an AP level rhetorical analysis
> once again i have Absolutely No Plan for this so buckle up
> interact if u want ig lol
> this whole thing is very self indulgent oops

•jimin hoseok and jungkook, besties since highschool
•hoseok is Hot and he Knows it so he's twt famous
•jungkook is lowkey a brat but in a cute way
•jimin just wants a himbo is that too much to ask

•joon and jin are brothers
•the four have been besties since highschool as well
•taehyung is Hot and he Knows it so he's twt famous
•yoongi is mysterious but also not at all
•jin literally owns a modeling company do u need more background

⁃yoonkook bc i'm a bitch for hyyh
⁃vhope bc that's a power couple
⁃jin and his mysterious boyfriend who may or may not be tom cruise (is he? you may never find out)

[extra notes]
⁃established yoonmin as frenemies for no reason other than i want to
⁃jimin pink hair era bc thats the superior boyfriend snatcher era in my humble opinion
⁃jin isnt in college but he lives near campus
⁃taegi act like a married couple

/ok i put way too many notes i apologize but also idc so let's go go go go go/


[minjoon au - 01] this sets the tone perfectly for the rest of the au i hope u pick up my energy

[minjoon au - 02] don't worry they all love each other very much they don't actually hate each other

[minjoon au - 03] i thought long and hard on a name that would fit this character and i landed on brad i think it fits well

[minjoon au - 04] i love the yoonmin frenemies agenda i don't regret it

[minjoon au - 05] i don't know how to be mean over text also i don't like brad

[minjoon au - 06] i aspire to have his energy tbh

[minjoon au - 07] i have Real Romantic Feelings for orange hair hoseok

[minjoon au - 08] can you tell i'm a jungkooker

[minjoon au - 09] jihopekook hyping each other up is my favorite concept

[minjoon au - 10] if you saw that on ur tl would you scroll past? no u would follow don't lie

[minjoon au - 11] if u think the gc names are strange that's bc they are all past names of my irl gc, my current irl gc name is "nsfw era" if u were wondering

[minjoon au - 12] was this an excuse to use these pictures of tae? yes it was next question

[minjoon au - 13] namjoon genius namjoon big brain namjoon scholar

[minjoon au - 14] and now: a small time skip in the form of jihopekook ig posts

[minjoon au - 15] i havent updated a social media au like this since i deactivated my old acc it feels like i've been reborn

[minjoon au - 16] it's the next day and jimin is tweeting at a search engine

[minjoon au - 17] art imitates life and i had a conversation abt what music prince phillip listens to with my irl

[tbd] i know very little abt the british royal family nothing i say is factual

anyways, that's all for today! this update didn't have much plot but at the same time it had a lot going on, but either way i hope u liked it!! lmk what u think 🧟‍♀️

[tbd] if ur reading this u should pick ur favorite duo in the au, or don't idc either way 🧟‍♀️

[minjoon au - 18] so far hopekook is winning on the poll and i respect that,, anyways starting today with some jikook yesyes

[minjoon au - 19] he's just a sensitive baby :( be nice to him :(

[minjoon au - 20] i do not condone drawing on people's cars,, unless they deserve it :>

[minjoon au - 21] *chanting* yoongi pov yoongi pov yoongi pov

[minjoon au - 22] jungkook appreciate time: i just think he's the prettiest person i've ever seen and that he deserves the entire world

[minjoon au - 23] am i projecting my love for jungkook into this au? maybe but i'll never admit it

[minjoon au - 24] hobi is the leader of the koo protection unit he must be notified of anything having to do with koo it is a known fact

[minjoon au - 25] jihope going ✈️ interrogating yoongi

[minjoon au - 26] everyone being soft for jungkook is canon idc idc

[minjoon au - 27] i feel like i derailed from the main plot a while ago but this was very self indulgent i have no regrets

[minjoon au - 28] gasp,,, it's him,,, jins mystery boyfriend that i mentioned,,, there are so many emojis here it hurts my eyes,,, they r in love,,,

[minjoon au - 29] nobody believes jin is in love with a mystery bf,,, stop being lame let jin live

[minjoon au - 30] time stamps being accurate???? this was a complete coincidence i was writing during the day and it worked out nicely how neat

[minjoon au - 31] is that,,, the main plot? haven't seen her in ages wow welcome back

[tbc] not me stopping right when i get back to the main plot ajsksj but the next update will be joon-centered i am very excited :D

anyways! that's all for now bc it's 1am and my eyes r closing as i type this, but lmk what u thought of today's update 🧟‍♀️

[tbc] which detail are u looking forward to seeing (this won't effect the plot) personally i would like to find out who jins bf is bc i have no idea

[tbc] also!! the google form is in fact a Real Thing That I Made so if u wanna look at it here u go!…

[minjoon au - 32] suddenly cupid yoongi won't leave my mind

[minjoon au - 33] tae gushing over their height difference exactly exactly

[minjoon au - 34] someone pls give him a hug i beg he's trying his best

[minjoon au - 35] pan legend gender studies legend

[minjoon au - 36] the members sobbing over joon being cute is canon i don't take criticism

[minjoon au - 37] yes u did a great job go take a nap u deserve it ur amazing beautiful talented

[minjoon au - 38] everyone being whipped for joon yes my favorite concept yes

[minjoon au - 39] based on a true story someone told me they made barbie wigs out of their own hair that fell out and i've never been the same since

[minjoon au - 40] clear the searches jimin smart jimin amazing jimin genius

[minjoon au - 41] shh he's just sleeping don't worry

[tbc] hii i hope u liked it even tho it was short </3 but lmk what u think or send me a pickup line either one i'm pretty groovy with both

[tbc] this may or may not effect the plot so choose wisely 😏

[minjoon au - 42] gasp he's awake 🕺🕺

[minjoon au - 43] thank u for ur service jimin

[minjoon au - 44] can u tell that i forgot reaction pics existed at the start of this au oops

[minjoon au - 45] he's rlly doing gods work in this update tbh

[minjoon au - 46] i use the word gasp a lot i've realized

[minjoon au - 47] these are my favorite pictures of namjoon to ever exist

[minjoon au - 48] he's just cute what can i say

[minjoon au - 49] dimples </3

[minjoon au - 50] happy 50 🥳🥳 we made it good job everyone

[minjoon au - 51] this is a few hours later fyi :D

[minjoon au - 52] hes so nervous someone hold his hand right! now!

[minjoon au - 53] i used gasp again omg when will i stop

[minjoon au - 54] sope being frenemies exactly exactly

[minjoon au - 55] sobs i love taegi i rlly do

[minjoon au - 56] no but fr how is he so pretty i'm having trouble typing this bc all i can focus on is yoongi

[minjoon au - 57] he's being bold as he should as he should

[tbc] next update will have vhope don't u worry >:)
i hope u liked today's update, lmk what u think 🕺🕺

New and Improved who's ur favorite pairing so far :c

[minjoon au - 58] no it hasn't been 2 weeks since i updated close ur eyes

[minjoon au - 59] this emoji 🥸 makes me giggle i'm not sorry

[minjoon au - 60] is this another excuse to use my favorite pictures? yes moving on

[minjoon au - 61] black hair yoongi the loml

[minjoon au - 62] oh?? is that?? plot convenience??

[minjoon au - 63] i use the word hottie in this update a lot

[minjoon au - 64] this emoji 👁 also makes me giggle

[minjoon au - 65] stares is that??? more plot convenience???

[minjoon au - 66] personally i love watermelon gum don't make it weird

[minjoon au - 67] no bc this update is just me being self indulgent

[minjoon au - 68] manifesting at its finest

[tbc] this was just a little update bc i felt bad for not updating for two weeks IM SORRY

but lmk ur thoughts i would love to hear them 🥸

[tbc] did i overuse the word hottie in this update be honest 🎤


👁👁 - no angst
👀 - angst

(hence why this is the last update)

[minjoon au - 69] 😏😏

[minjoon au - 70] i might've forgotten abt the whole mystery boyfriend thing

[minjoon au - 71] pspsps

[minjoon au - 72] taėgi married

[minjoon au - 73] who knew watermelon gum could cause such an upset

[minjoon au - 74] friend sad? bring snacks.

[minjoon au - 75] slow claps we've come full circle everyone congrats

[minjoon au - 76] yes i completely forgot about the mystery boyfriend i will admit it


i'm so glad it ended on an even number or else i would've cried

anyways🧟‍♀️ if u made it to the end lmk which was ur favorite thing i overused in this au

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