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Mar 25, 2021, 14 tweets

Film Out Teaser Theory

I'm going to make a fluid analysis of the video first, without trying to connect it to other BTS Eras, but as a continuation of HYYH. This is based in my theory:

'Next is WIND'

#ARMYTS @army_society
Wind theory in the link ⬇️

What I am trying to say is that this is a new Era, of course it could be assumed that it a continuation of the BU story and it does fit.

So lets try to find an order to the story.

1. Happiness

There is a time in the video where all the members are sitting/standing at the living room, I want to point out that Jungkook is the only one that seems to be happy. The others have serious/thoughtful faces.

2. The Dream

We know that, Taehyung, in the story has dreams about what will or has happened. When he has a dream he has this dramatic face.

So I can conclude there was a dream, a new dream.

Something that is coming.

3. Time limit

The hourglass represents time that is coming to an end. The difference between a normal clock and the hourglass is that the hourglass represents a limited time. It can be 1 hour to 24 hours depending on the size.


4. Game Over

On the same scene, we have a chess board. The pieces are scattered, this means that the game is over.

"Game over, time is coming to an end."


5. The Wind

Through the video the Wind is blowing. This reminds me of "The Wind blows before a storm"

Or " The Wind is blowing, a storm is coming"

At first I thought Wind would have a more happy concept, but everything is pointing to a huge storm.


6. The Storm

Jungkook alone in the room is in the middle of the storm, or he could represent the storm. This portrait is a bit tricky because it seems to have a happy meaning at first because of the lights coming through the window. However, the outside is actually cloudy.

You can se in the picture I signaled the clouds.

Also the room were Jungkook is, looks abandoned, as he is feeling in the story. It is not the cheerful room from the beginning were he used to be happy with the others. This is an abandoned room.


Still talking about the storm, we might have Jin coming to save the day. We can see fire in the portrait that might represent what "the storm" actually is.
However, we will have to wait to see that.


7. The open door in the middle of nowhere.

I have some interpretations to this door. But I will go with the only other open door in the video.

Open doors can symbolize the truth.


8. Blue

I'm going to go with J-Hope on this one and say Blue is the young days when we were innocent.

Maybe all of them are missing the days were they were innocent.

On a second part I will analyze trying to make connections with other Eras.

I hope you liked it 💜

#ARMYTS @army_society

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