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🔥 I want to believe in a freedom that's bold 🔥 But all I remember is the freedom of old 🔥 #ACAB 🔥 All you do is call me, I'll be anything you need. 🔥

Mar 26, 2021, 47 tweets

Good morning, everyone.

Time to burn yesterday's narrative to ashes. 🔥

I'll try to, uh, tone down yesterday's rage. But it's hard when I look at @Cannonfor58's eyes in this photo.

(📷in thread from yesterday via the always amazing @AlyssaNo_L)

@AtlantaJustice @AttorneyGriggs

Yesterday's thread...

There's no way to not repeat some of yesterdays info but I'll try to keep that brief.

First, a quick look at how the Georgia Department of Public Safety is set up.

Out of all the division overseen by DPS, we're concerned with the Georgia State Patrol and Capitol Police because these are the agencies listed in the affidavit attached to...

to the arrest warrants.

Even though they are separate divisions/agencies, the State Patrol post and the two units that make up the Capitol Police division located on Capitol Hill are all overseen by one man, Captain James David Wicker.

The reason I bring Wicker up (besides the fact he now runs LE on Capitol Hill) is because on November 13th, 2018, Georgia State Patrol arrested then State Senator @NikemaWilliams during a protest regarding that year's gubernatorial race between Kemp and @staceyabrams.

@NikemaWilliams was arrested, along with over a dozen protesters, and charged with the same two counts that @Cannonfor58 faces now.

Ironically, Park Cannon was quoted in the @ajc after William's arrest.…

The charges (Williams had misdemeanors)...

were dropped against everyone. William's case was moved to Cobb County by the Georgia Attorney General.

When the Cobb County DA declined to prosecute (citing free speech concerns) he couldn't resist backing up the boys in blue and calling @NikemaWilliams arrest "justified."

@NikemaWilliams and the other protesters sued the Georgia State Patrol Troopers involved (specifically noting that each trooper was being sued because they physically arrested a protester... not because of rank or a supervisory position.

Wicker was sued because he physically...

arrested a protester exercising their first amendment right.

Let me stop you right there, chuds.

Nobody that day stormed anything.

They didn't attack any Capitol Police.

They didn't storm the building.

And they sure as hell didn't conspire to violently overthrow...

the election result.

So you and your 4Chan Kek and No Step On Snek flags can just keep walking on by.

Anyway, now Captain Whicker was then Lieutenant Whicker.

That's some mighty fast promotions for a guy involved in high profile arrests that made national headlines and...

ended up ha ing all the charges dropped.

As I said last night, sitting legislators enjoy privilege from arrest (except in certain circumstances) when General Assembly is in session.

So, in two and a half years, we have two high profile arrests of sitting legislators and...

you should be asking yourself, "shouldn't there be a procedure in place to prevent this?"

And funny enough, in the DPS policy manual there is a section that specifically covers "specific groups and officials." And 17.12.3(C)(1) actually covers State Legislators... almost as...

if some lawyer foresaw an issue and decided that GSP needed it spelled out for them.

It didn't help.

The last revision date is prior to @NikemaWilliams arrest.

So now we have proof that they have a policy that, verbatim, follows the State Constitution... let's look at...

the affidavits that were used for the arrest warrants again.

As I mentioned last night, in order 16-11-34.1 (Preventing or disrupting General Assembly session) to be a felony, there has to be two previous convictions for the same violation..

And a search of Fulton County OJS and Ga e-file turns up nothing.



Meaning there is no foundation for Capitol Police to arrest her as a sitting member of the legislature during a General Assembly session.

But it gets better...

The basis for the felony obstruction charges is the allegation of "stomping" on the trooper's foot three times...

Watch what my talented friend @ne0ndistraction put together...

(affidavits via @bluestein)

📼via @bluestein

📼 via @stphnfwlr

📼 via @AttorneyGriggs

On top of the videos and @ne0ndistraction's awesome editing... take a look through
@AlyssaNo_L's photos from the @ajc and tell me if you see any point when either trooper looks like they have had their foot stomped on by those heels.

Ever been accidently stepped on by those?

Needed a break but it's time to finish this.

Let's look at the people named in that affidavit for the arrest.

We have Officers E. Dorval, G. Sanchez, Lieutenant Langford, and Judge H. Chung.

And we have another problem (in addition to the "stomping" and "kicking").

Capitol Police Officer E. Dorval is Ebrans Dorval. Last year he was highlighted on the Department of Public Safety's Facebook page.

He wrote and submitted both affidavit's and his listed in the second one.

The other Capitol Police Office listed is G. Sanchez.

I have no record of any Sanchez with a name that begine with "G" and that's because he is brand new.

The Department of Public Safety featured him on Twitter and Facebook nine days before @Cannonfor58's arrest.

"Willfully and knowingly hindered" is the foundation of an obstruction of LE in Georgia. The affidavit states she "hinder(ed)" Officers Dorval and Sanchez.

These two guys...

And @AlyssaNo_L's photo...

They aren't there....

So I guess the only logical explanation is that Dorval and Sanchez chauffeured Rep. Cannon to Rice Street and she knowingly and willingly hindered them from the backseat.


Her little self.

That brings us to LT. Lockford. I could find out much about him ..

And then I found out Lieutenant Gary Langford is actually the head of the Capitol Police division.

He started as a Trooper and then became a fire arms instructioner....

So that brings us to the last name on the affidavits/warrants, H. Chung.

And that would be Fulton County Magistrate Judge Hannah Chung.

She should have caught that the third offense felony count for disrupting a General Assembly session was off....

She only worked previously as an Assistant District Attorney in Fulton County and Community Prosecutor (Zone 2).

I would love to see how many felony counts of disrupting a General Assembly session have been charged vs. prosecuted in Fulton County since 2010. Has to be rare...

So, why would this happen? Accusations of racism have been shouted since the night of the arrest (and I'm not disputing that as a cause) but it goes deeper than that.

Georgia State Patrol and Capitol Police have a long history of silencing liberal voices.

Peek the fed lawsuits

There seems to be a culture of believing they (Department of Public Safety agencies) are at the top of the food chain.

They are the kid who wanted to be hall monitor because he got off telling people what to do.

DPS posted a job opening on their FB before the arrest that day.

The comments once Rep. Cannon got arrested were, predictably, unfavorable.

But one exchange in particular caught my eye....

Without me telling you, you could probably guess the ones that are current or retired Georgia State Patrol.

But I'll confirm it for you....

For the record, none of these currently work on Capitol Hill (that I am aware of).

When I see a cop say "no one is above the law" I immediately think, "What you are really saying is no one is above you."

Hall monitor.

I said none are currently for a reason.

Meet Captain Lewis Young. This is Jim Wicker's predecessor. Wicker was his right hand for many years.

Young and Wicker are no strangers to federal lawsuits regarding violating first amendment rights. Sidewalks, signs, buttons, voices...

Good old "breach of peace."

There is a reason disorderly conduct cases often get thrown out.

The fact either of these cops use this term to justify Rep. Cannon's arrest is... horrendous.

And one of them was in charge of LE on Capitol Hill for six years....

Trooper Tallent here forgot to add that in order for that to happen, Georgia State Patrol had to lie and say @Cannonfor58 committed a felony.

And a reminder. GSP's SOP specifically covers this.

And lists a couple examples of "breach of peace" too.

Trooper Wilson (and Sergeant Tallent) leading a Grade A roundtable on how to be assholes.

I don't care cops are Republicans. I do care when you don't have the sense to keep your idiocy to yourself (on your jobs public FB) because it calls into question your ability...

to be fair and impartial doing your job.

I know how horrible that knocking incident was to you, Tallent.

But hey, Sarge, at least nobody is grifting free golf games while serving on their city council.

I wonder what other fun Tallent stories are awaiting discovery?

To be fair, that's only a few employees out of the entire Department of Public Safety. I have no doubt I could find more idiotic remarks if I really wanted too.

But consider that Lewis Young (and his election fraud conspiracy) was in charge of the entire Capitol Police...

and State Patrol forces.

You think this guy was impartial?

The federal lawsuits show he wasn't.

And his successor, Jim Wicker, was involved in some of cases (and still has some on going).

His poison clearly still exists at the Capitol.

But there is...

another, recent, reason the police on Capitol Hill don't like Rep. Cannon.

Feb. 26th she (and other legislators) intervened while State Patrol attempted to break up a protest (over the upcoming election bill). Cannon put her head in front of a Trooper with a megaphone (feedback)

and another one grabber her arm, escalating the situation further.

Does the big boy with the megaphone look familiar? He should... he's the trooper all in a hurry to help Langford arrest Cannon and drag her out of the Capitol.

The GOP had a field day.

The Senate Republicans were all comfy enough to call her out and even had the balls to bring up disrespect to law enforcement... after the actions of Trumpists Jan. 6th.

Other prominent Georgia Republicans took the opportunity to smear Rep. Park Cannon.

Debbie Dooley, Tea Party hag and GOP activist, even lied about the Feb. 26th incident.

Compare her Facebook post about Cannon with her tweets from January 6th...

Expect nothing less from them.

And that's where I'm ending this thread. Tomorrow, I'm sure, will bring new and fresh outrage.

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