Driving Families Forward Coalition Profile picture
The DFF coalition is committed to passing the Work & Family Mobility Act to enable all qualified state residents to apply for a standard drivers license.

Mar 26, 2021, 7 tweets

The Work & Family Mobility Act would enable all qualified state residents to apply for a standard Massachusetts driver’s license or identification card, regardless of immigration status. #DrivingMAForward

Here’s why that’s so important [THREAD]:

Our immigrant communities are a vital part of life in Massachusetts.

No one should be barred from accessing mobility because of their immigration status.

And we certainly should never have to choose between mobility and our health and safety.

Let's be clear: this bill will *increase* public safety for all.

...and it will grow our state's economic vitality.

So get on board!

Join the Driving Families Forward coalition in urging our legislators to support this critical bill.

Email your lawmakers using this tool: bit.ly/2021-dff-email

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