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Mar 28, 2021, 32 tweets

YOO I'M BACK. So here's Part 2~

Live tweet of Raya and The Last Dragon rewatch, and discussion about cultural reference Raya vs real life Southeast Asia cultures

A Thread
(check other parts in below)

#RayaAndTheLastDragon #Raya #Namaari #sisu #DisneyRaya #Rayaspoilers

Part 1~


Thread about various SEA Naga (Dragon)

Yes, Nagas are not exclusive to mainland SEA, but many other SEA ethnic group have it too

Before started again, I forgot to explain this very important part, The word: RAYA

Raya in Malay/Indonesian language means "Celebration"

In other sentence, it can be means "Great"
For example, the title of Indonesia's national anthem is "Indonesia Raya", means "Great Indonesia"

So let's continue, we are back to young Raya and Namaari again.

The Dragon Scroll in this scene is not that usual typical asian scroll. It seems like base on Lontar paper. Some ancient scripts from SEA was use this

so now let's reappreciate again how both Raya and Namaari put off their sandals before going in to holy area


The betrayal :"(

But look! I was screaming in this scene because PENCAK SILAT

and then YOO MUAY THAI

pencak silat vs muay thai

eh, i mean raya vs namaari

of course namaari not alone and she bring her Fang soldier

now we can see more detail of their weapon. seems like it is combination of long thai spear and achenese rencong


The blade was inspired from Indonesian Naga Sasra Keris/Filipino Kalis

Let me appreciate a bit how beautiful that Keris

of course hooman are stupid and now the gem was broken and the obscurus eh....i mean the druun back again

Finally we reach that part in Hero's Journey Plot: Crossing The Threshold

Chief Benja (The Mentor) sacrifice himself and made Raya (The Hero) crossing the threshold

Let me appreciate the detail of the obscurus.....eh the druun when they stole people's soul and turning them into stone

Dr Stone anyone?

I know this supposedly sad scene but i was also too busy seeing detail of Naga pattern on the bridge

the time skip

Welcome to The Tail!

Like i said before, there's no desert at SEA. But since Tail is the further land in Kumandra, maybe this is refer to Myanmar's Mekong River that have border with Mainland China

Also, SEA have Savanna climate too in NTT

Raya six years later

Her clothes style is Vietnamese in here. And her hat is Salakot with additional Stupa design

Well let me appreciate the render detail of Raya's hair texture. Because it felt very Southeast Asian hair 🥺

shameless comparation Raya's hair and my hair lol

Raya Arm Protector

I like the concept art version tbh.
This arm protector is one icon part of southeast asia clothes

Now we are arrive at the shipwreck.

That boat design is southeast asia river boat

Raya preparing ritual to call Sisu

THE ANCAK WADAH SESAJEN (Offerings)!! + Vietnamese Rice Cake

Sesajen (Offerings)

Raya vs Real Life (Indonesian Balinese, Malaysia)

Raya vs Real Life

If you ask me about the song, well i can't understand it x"D It's not from indonesian language.

Maybe any other SEA friends in here who can understand it, feel free to tell me xD

And finally we meet Naga Sisu-Datu!

Just like i said before, the dragon in here mostly base on Lao Naga. But element design that included on her basically what SEA Dragon mostly have: body and head like serpent, have horn, and three toes

The english translation on here made me thinking so hard at first 🤣🤣🤣 jackfruit jerky?? i never know Manisan was called that in english

Just like Raya said, Manisan is SEA snack made from dried fruit. and in this case, she made it from jackfruit

even after watch it several times, i still didn't like the actual dragon design in the film tbh :")

I like the dragon design in what they draw as painting, or in concept art, where they still put SEA mythical creatures iconic fang in the dragon

And finally we meet Namaari and Fang again.

Their iconic cat-like pet is called Seriot. Made me wonder why they choose cat-like pet? xD
my guess since Fang really have many Minang references, maybe they are refer to Sumatran Tiger

Alright it's already past midnight again x"D sorry but i need stop again bcs tomorrow need to wake up early~
So, that's all cultural references that i can found in first 30 MINUTES of Raya~

I will continue again to part 3 later xD thx for reading my thread, hope you enjoy it!

Don't forget to check part 1! The analysis in first 15 minutes

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