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Mar 30, 2021, 8 tweets

Saubhari maharshi : story of a mystic, a river and the ma`ya - a quantum entanglement

We know that Bhagawan Vishnu often amuses himself engineering illusion.This story is an excerpt from Srimad bhagawatam & traces the journey of a great yogi and his fall into the trap of maya.

Maharshi Saubhari was the descendant of Karnav rishi of kanva lineage and an authority on Rig veda. The rishi used to perform tremendous tapasya under water in yamuna & gained immense siddhi & had won over kaama.

During this period,Ayodhya( as capital) was ruled by king Mandhata

Mandhata was believed to be an undisputed emperor of what was later called Jambu dweepa.Māndhātā had 3 sons and 50 daughters with wife bindumati.

Rishi saubhuri who was performing penance under water was of benevolent nature andprotected all aquatic animals & fishes in the river

According to legend during this intense period of 10000 yrs underwater, he was distracted by a fish involved in the indulgence of marital life.

Now induced by this desire he went to Māndhātā & begged for one of the King’s daughters.The King said, “O brāhmaṇa!

any of my daughters may accept any husband according to her personal wish"

The Muni now became a young handsome person using the yogic powers & all 50 princesses accepted him as husband.The Muni exhibited superexcellence in material enjoyment by dint of his yogic perfection.

Bestowed with material opulence & many children & grandchildren, eventually the mundane & inevitables of a grihasta bothered him.

The Muni became very dissatisfied with material opulence & left everything and reentered the forest in the vānaprastha order & achieved mukti.

What does this mean in contemporary notion? life is a quantum entanglement of cause & effect.
Brahman has no limitation of space & time. But, Jagat is inert, limited in space and time & full of attributes. Ma`ya is that peculiar agent that exists between them. Maya concelas the

features of the cause as experienced by the maharshi when underwater. I believe we're all currently in that phase as rishi was underwater concealed in the beautiful maya.

Ramtal is the place where the maharshi is said to have performed austerities in the river near Vrindavana🙏

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