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Scientist against lab-based pandemics 🧬 Co-author of VIRAL: the search for the origin of Covid-19 📖 A dangerous young investigator 🕵🏻‍♀

Mar 30, 2021, 13 tweets

Statement by the Governments of Australia, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America on #OriginsofCOVID 🇦🇺🇨🇦🇨🇿🇩🇰🇪🇪🇮🇱🇯🇵🇱🇻🇱🇹🇳🇴🇰🇷🇸🇮🇬🇧🇺🇸…

“Asked by about the (China-WHO) report, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said Tuesday it lacked crucial data, and represents a “partial and incomplete picture.””

🌋 article by @emilyrauhala…

“Secretary of State Antony Blinken, expressed concern about content and framing of the report, saying Beijing “helped to write it.””

“Tedros, who has largely steered clear of calling out China, said Tuesday that team members raised concerns to him about access to raw epidemiological data needed for the report.”

““Although the team has concluded that a laboratory leak is the least likely hypothesis, this requires further investigation,” he continued, “potentially with additional missions involving specialist experts, which I am ready to deploy.””

Governments of 14 countries:
“we voice our shared concerns that the international expert study on the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was significantly delayed and lacked access to complete, original data and samples.”

“It is critical for independent experts to have full access to all pertinent human, animal, and environmental data, research, and personnel involved in the early stages of the outbreak”

It is still possible to properly investigate the #OriginsofCOVID

Launch a new investigation!

I’m going to dive into the hundreds of pages of the China-WHO report before I can make informed comments on it at a later date.

But I hope the people in charge don’t waste any more time. Please set up a real investigation ASAP. There’s a lot to look into that’s outside of China.

Oh, statement by the EU is up:…

Thanks @radical_libere

I think these statements require an anger translator:

"We remain fully committed to.. ways to enhance the organization of field missions.. ensure the rapid start of origins’ studies, timely deployment of field missions, independence of the work of the experts and transparency.."

"we express our support for a science-based, transparent and independent WHO-convened Global Study of the Origins of SARS-CoV-2, where timely access to data and field missions play a critical role."

"While regretting the late start of the study, the delayed deployment of the experts and the limited availability of early samples and related data.."

".. will require further and timely access to all relevant locations and to all relevant human, animal and environmental data"

"Every lack or delay in sharing public health information can have worldwide adverse impact and we call on all Member States to continue sharing public health information with WHO as soon as it is available.."

"require full and transparent cooperation by all WHO Member States"

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