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Roving the Middle East for Al-Aan TV. Reporting from Syria, Libya, Iraq & more. Found secret ISIS docs, mobiles & laptops. Horse rider. Arabic @JenanAlAan

Mar 31, 2021, 6 tweets

On my weekly show on @akhbar we talked about females doing "male" jobs. I had 2 very interesting guests. Rana - Lebanon's first female car mechanic. And Nayla - the only female taxidriver in Gaza. Such inspiring ladies ♥️

Favorite car of Nayla - the only female taxi driver from Gaza- is a BMW. She works to support her family &kids. Her family was first against her doing "male" job. Nayla only drives female customers. "Most are happy to be chauffeured by a woman instead of man", she says.


According to Nayla, male taxi drivers in Gaza sometimes block her road because they don't like that a female works as taxi driver. "I don't care," she says, "I push my car until I am through."

Nayla is new on Instagram. You can follow her here 👇

Rana is the only female car mechanic in Lebanon. Cars always have been her passion. Some customers don't want a woman fixing their car. Or they ask male mechanic to double check. "My boss tells customers I studied mechanical engineering & that I'm a good mechanic. That helps".

Obviously Rana is annoyed when customers say they don't want a female mechanic checking their car. "But I am happy to break the stereotypes," she says, "And I am getting a lot of support from other females who tell me they are inspired by me." Rana is on instagram here 👇

For those interested, the full 30 mins episode is now available on youtube. It's in Arabic so either click on the link or start learning my language 😉

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