Dan Thomas Profile picture
Writer (Welcome Strangers - BBC) Producer (Golden Cobra, Beena & Amrit - BBC) Director (Dechrau Canu Dechrau Cwyno, Jam - S4C) Actor (The Trick, Keeping Faith)

Apr 1, 2021, 17 tweets

Gentle reminder that the credits music of Midnight Run improve the end of literally any movie.

Raiders of the Lost Ark


Saving Private Ryan


Gone with the Wind


Silence of the Lambs


5/x Gone With The Wind, but with the video actually attached this time

5/x Midnight Run, but with one small change, see if you can spot it.

6/x There Will Be Blood

7/x Sixth Sense

8/x Carry on up the Khyber

9/x The 400 Blows
(this is gently lovely)

10/x The Usual Suspects

11/x The Last Temptation of Christ
(we're going to get letters about this one)

12/x Predator

13x The Sound of Music

14/x Fight Club

15/x Se7en (you lot asked for this)

16/x The Shawshank Redemption

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