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Apr 1, 2021, 10 tweets

For many countries in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, buying COVID vaccines has thrown up similar issues to those that existed during the Cold War.

We spoke to @AllyCarragher and @joannahosa to shed light on the region. #HealthcareWeek.

Russia registered a jab way back in August 2020, but many scientists questioned whether it was being rushed out too quickly.

But when some saw that the Russians and Chinese vaccines were easier to obtain, they started to change their minds.

No matter how dire the need for vaccines, some former Soviet states haven't been able to look past feuds with Moscow, least surprisingly Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Belarus has welcomed Sputnik V vaccines with open arms.

The Serbian government says securing jabs wasn't a political matter. But when it comes to nations donating doses to those in need, @AllyCarragher says it 'has to be' political.

.@AllyCarragher says the Western Balkans region has been repeatedly sidelined in its EU path and the pandemic only exacerbated "the feeling that they have been forgotten".

The choice of who to buy vaccines from isn't the only decision that could affect countries in the long term, @AllyCarragher adds.

As the EU has struggled to make available European-manufactured vaccines, Russia already sent its Sputnik V to Hungary and Slovakia and offered to supply 50 million more doses to Europe.…

Every weekday at 1900 CEST, #UncoveringEurope brings you a European story that goes beyond the headlines. Read more about vaccine diplomacy👇

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