Neeson Profile picture
Irish / American actor, film director , producer and screen writer ,#hollywood #movies.

Apr 2, 2021, 29 tweets


A tool in the information warfare toolkit with the intent of siloing/dividing subscribers into limited info bubbles ripe for disinfo amplification & further division.

📌A Timeline

cc: @CanadianWizardT

On 3/22/17 & 4/8,9/17 LM encouraged her followers to subscribe to Jester’s blocklist to block “Putinbots.”

Putinbots sounds scary, don’t they? Twitter newbies want to be safe from “Russian trolls” so they naively subscribe, IPs likely scraped.

LM loved pro Brexit “putinbots,” funny that.

LM loved pro Brexit “putinbots” funny that.


@chiefcovfefe @tonyserrata offers his followers a link to his blocklist.

“TrumpTrolls and other a$$holes blocked.”


Is @counterchekist referring to @LouiseMench, his associate, and sending her followers a warning?


7/9/17 SpicyFiles/Filey offers her own blocklist:


Analysis re Chief’s blocklist.

Remember in retaliation LM accused this account of anti semitism & posted purported photoshopped images as she did to Woky to smear his credibility.

Conclusion: if you are looking to block “TrumpTrolls” this blocklist won’t help”

Note I later learned in late November ‘17 Chief’s blocklist was not well curated as it was advertised to me, but rather it was a dump of Robin’s (🐕🙉) & Cassandra Fairbanks’ followers.

In other words 50% left wing/50% Right wingers were blocked.

Let’s piss off both sides. 🍿

Preet Bharara was included in Chief & LM’s blocklist, funny that.

@PreetBharara like Andrew McCabe have been widely scorned by LM.

“TrumpTrolls” nor “Putinbots” were effectively blocked by the blocklist.


“What date is in the attached and whose blocklist was Rob McNeese @akula_51 on?”


LM advertises her blocklist to her followers, but allegedly does not subscribe herself.


Op TT Twitter & RussiaReveledRevealed website
first posted 10/21/17


Chief alerts us (naive/stupid followers of LM) to the RussiaRussiaRevealed site.

Recently I asked LM why we were not warned or notified, & she said it was @counterchekist decision to withhold the heads up. 🤷‍♀️

WTF? It was very stressful, to say the least.


Op Titty Twister posted on Gab by Microchip

This happened 10/28/17

Bitburner charts.

I hope @CanadianWizardT may enlighten us as to what amplification the charts represents.


LM amplifying their blocklist.


Cassandra Fairbanks in her lefty sock talking about the blocklist.


📌Blocklist attack date.

What was happening behind the scenes between Louise and her “old boots” troll associates?


LM bantering with her old boots troll associates.

Blocklist botnet released to attack her followers.

What did Louise do to them to warrant this attack? Hmmmm?

LM deleted all these tweets.

The attack was traumatic. LM didn’t defend us & chided us for responding.

#BlockedbyChiefCovfefe begins


Jester hypes CounterSocial as an alternative to Being blocked by Chief

Interesting timing of the opening of CounterSocial...was making Twitter hostile part of the agenda?


Jester announces CounterSocial as a new social media platform opens.


Interesting comment: who is really orchestrating “TeamPatriot”? #fakeOppo

TeamPatriot = TeamFlyingMonkeys/TeamTrolls.

Wake up my friends.

Russia’s intent is to divide Americans, guess who helps?


The blocklist was used as an information warfare tool to divide Americans & silo them into controlled info bubbles that can and are manipulated to silence truth/critics, muddy water, seed disinfo and amplify distractions.


Thread broke, continues here:

10/28/17 📌 “Q” op begins:

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