Aaron Goodman - “Papa Heme” Profile picture
Hematologist/Bone marrow transplanter at UCSD/educator - loves teaching all of Twitter medicine, husband+father/Guitar 🎸/Nirvana best band ever!/Loves tacos

Apr 2, 2021, 5 tweets

Name the organ failing or missing just by looking at a blood smear. Hematologists don't need advanced imaging!


First one to Tweet back all 4 answers wins

Name the organ failing or missing from each blood smear

Name the organ failing or missing from each blood smear

Name the organ failing or missing from each blood smear

This one is harder. One organ when not working great can result in this blood smear.

Name the organ failing or missing from each blood smear

This one is also harder. Something is missing form this patient resulting in this.

Actually there are 2 correct answers.

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