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Apr 2, 2021, 7 tweets

U.S. Capitol Police are responding to reports that a vehicle hit two officers and that the suspect is in custody; all three were taken to hospital

Streets surrounding the U.S. Capitol and congressional office buildings were locked down, with a heavy police presence, a @Reuters eyewitness said, amid reports that a motorist had tried to run down two officers

Capitol and congressional office buildings were forced into high alert while law enforcement authorities investigated, Capitol Police said, after a motorist rammed a vehicle into two U.S. Capitol Police officers

Capitol Police say an officer has died after a knife-armed suspect rammed his car into officers. The suspect has died and a second injured officer is hospitalized

Yogananda Pittman, acting chief of the U.S. Capitol Police, gave details of the attack that killed one Capitol Police officer and injured another. The suspect died after police responded

U.S Capitol Police identify slain officer as William Evans, an 18-year veteran of the force

President Biden says he is heartbroken to learn of the violent attack that killed a veteran Capitol Police officer and has ordered the White House flags to be lowered to half-mast

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