Martin Kleppe Profile picture
Mapper. Reducer. and creator. @Ubilabs co-founder and @GMapsPlatform GDE. Ex @HHjs and @JSUnconf organizer.

Apr 2, 2021, 13 tweets

I'm fascinated by this simple formula to create bit fields that look like alien art:

(x ^ y) % 9


<canvas id="c" width="1024" height="1024">
const context = c.getContext('2d');
for (let x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
if ((x ^ y) % 9) {
context.fillRect(x*4, y*4, 4, 4);

More examples:

(x ^ y) % 5
(x ^ y) % 17
(x ^ y) % 33

(inspired by )

If we use OR instead of XOR, we get some nice Sierpinski triangles:

(x | y) % 7
(x | y) % 17
(x | y) % 29

Circular patterns:

(x * y) & 64
(x * y) & 24
(x * y) & 47


(x ^ y) < 77
(x ^ y) < 214
(x ^ y) < 120


(x * 2) % y
(x * 64) % y
(x * 31) % y

This is just beautiful!

((x-128) * 64) % (y-128)


(x ^ y) & 32
(x ^ y) & 72
(x ^ y) & 23


((x * y) ** 4) % 7
((x * y) ** 5) % 99
((x * y) ** 9) % 3


(x % y) % 4
(y % x) % 20
40 % (x % y)


x & y
x % y
x & 9

You can also combine different patterns:

(x & y) & (x ^ y) % 19
((x ^ y) & 32) * (x ^ y) % 9)
(x * 64) % y * ((x ^ y) < 77)

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