Lesley Carhart Profile picture
ICS DFIR @dragosinc, martial artist, marksman, humanist, Lvl14 Neutral Good rogue, USAF Ret. Tweet *very serious* things about infosec. Thoughts mine. They/them

Apr 2, 2021, 6 tweets

Hello, I would like to introduce you to the new plethora of free cliche hacker stock art, now *finally* available in a multitude of genders and skin tones. But still entertainingly cliche and extremely context-free.

Apparently we all have large terminal text that displays on our back walls and on our faces

We have friends now! We are no longer solitary hackers. But we all dress like the 90s movie. Fairly accurate.

None of us can hack without sufficient quantities of neon. It's physiological.

We use CDs. So many CDs. And floppies.

All and all, I'm proud of y'all

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