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Apr 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Last year, @laurenboebert’s mom, Shawna (@Southernbrn), posted a video, “Official News! Easter Bunny has the Chinese Virus,” in which she pretended to be a coughing Easter Bunny that told kids she might die.

Lauren Boebert’s mom dismisses calling Covid, the “Chinese virus,” as just a “joke.”

This isn’t the first time Shawna Bentz has made racist jokes.

Shawna, were you blazing up during the video?

Lauren Boebert’s mom, Shawna, posted a racist “things we hate” video rant complaining about “Mexicans” blasting “that hat music” from “lowrider truck[s].”

Boebert’s mom tells racist jokes.

Lauren Boebert’s mom and friend ranting about “Brown people” at Rifle, CO Walmart “with their whole entire family,” with “their damn kids,” speaking “no English,” and having “80 different kids with 80 different daddies.”

Boebert’s mom tells racist jokes.

Lauren Boebert’s mom ranted about how “Brown people come to the Walmart 7 inch heels ...trying to look good while they’re grocery shopping.”

Lauren Boebert’s mom loves racist jokes.

Update: Lauren Boebert’s mom has blocked Resist Programming for exposing her racist “Chinese virus” Easter Bunny video.

Is Shawna’s sidekick in this racist video about “brown people” @katebintliff / IG: KatyLady89 ?

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