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Chief reporter @DeclassifiedUK. Wrote a book about mercenaries - Email:

Apr 3, 2021, 6 tweets

Some interesting points from Alan Duncan's diary so far.

1. Philip Hammond's lack of concern for suffering in Yemen when he was Foreign Secretary at start of the war

2. Duncan's own role dealing with Ecuador government in attempt to remove Assange from the embassy

3.The influence of Conservative Friends of Israel over who gets job of UK's Middle East minister, given Duncan's concerns about illegal settlements. We already know Duncan got different job at Foreign Office, but even that role was too much for Israeli embassy officer Shai Masot

4. Tobias Ellwood wanted the Foreign Office to buy land in the Arctic Circle to use as a spaceport and spy station, expand fishing and resource rights, and deny China access. (Instead UK may build spaceport on Shetland Islands)

As an aside, it's interesting how much a former foreign minister can disclose in his diary less than 2 years after leaving office. In contrast, we will have to wait 20+ years for the official files he wrote to reach the National Archives

5. Alan Duncan's perspective on Priti Patel's "holiday" to Israel is worth reading

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