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Apr 4, 2021, 11 tweets

Full solidarity with Mexican women protesting the police murder of Victoria Esperanza Salazar last Saturday. Her neck was broken after a female officer pinned her to the ground while she was handcuffed.… 📷 Cuartoscuro #JusticiaParaVictoria

An autopsy indicates that Victoria's spine was severed by the weight of the police officer kneeling on the her back she was arrested in the resort town of Tulum. There have been several protests by women since.… This 📷from Friday via @i_alaniis

Victoria had been in Mexico since at least 2018, when she was granted refugee status for humanitarian reasons. Her mother says she left her hometown of Sonsonate 5yrs ago to escape the violence which El Salvador's notorious street gangs were spreading.…

Incredible #JusticiaParaVictoria protest on Friday at the Palacio Nacional 🎥 @abismada_

Mexican anarchist feminists stage the most powerful protests. Notice the spray paint on the police shields. Fuck the police everywhere 📷 Cuartoscuro #JusticiaParaVictoria

“The police don't take care of me, my friends take care of me.”

🎥 @abismada_ #JusticiaParaVictoria

March began & ended with the police murder of 2 women: Sarah Everard (UK) & Victoria Esperanza Salazar (Mexico). I want a world where we don’t call police; police don’t protect everyone. Who protects us from police? I made this in April 2020: 🎥 @rerutled

I deleted the tweet with the two pictures side by side because I mistakenly labeled the picture of Victoria as one of a protestor. Apologies for the mistake. Wanted to be clear.

Police in London did this to a woman at a vigil for a woman murdered by a police officer at the beginning of March.

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