Scott Duncan Profile picture
Scottish meteorologist based in London | MMet @UniofReading | Former co-owner @wxcharts | opinions are my own

Apr 4, 2021, 5 tweets

Arctic blast imminent for Europe ⚠️

This will come as a massive shock after record-breaking heat a few days ago.

One of the most impressive cold air outbreaks I have seen for a while.

April weather in Europe: 'I will do what I want'

Check this out, daytime temperature will be more than 20°C colder compared to the March heatwave from a few days ago.

Snow is expected. Could look quite impressive locally while it is falling.

While large flips in temperature are not uncommon at this time of year, this one is massive.

One of the most impressive I have ever seen.

Should be one of the largest flips on record.

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