Sam Hoadley-Brill Profile picture
PhD student (moral, social, political philosophy & epistemology) @CUNY_Philosophy | Read Charles Mills

Apr 4, 2021, 7 tweets

Nice find from Martin Jay, pioneering historian of the Frankfurt School. The basic subtext of the neo-Nazi conspiracy theory that passes through the mainstream as "Cultural Marxism"

Jesus Christ. First I am hearing of this, also in Jay's most recent book. A Trump aide in the NSC wrote an unhinged memo claiming Cultural Marxism is "the dominant cultural meme," adhered to by "‘deep state’ actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans."

Some screenshots from the memo. Literally invokes the notion of some "cabal" pulling all the political strings, trying to "destroy" Trump.

Whole bunch of absolutely insane takes (“transgender acceptance” is “denying a person the right to declare the biological fact of one’s sex") plus CLEAR antisemitic tropes involving media, academy, "globalists" and bankers, "deep state"

One of the most dogshit accounts of the Frankfurt School of all time:

Interesting to see postmodern conservatism in action, especially in a memo that denounces postmodernism. @MattPolProf

Access and read more about the memo here:…

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