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backup: @izak__novak Communist ☭ (Marxist-Leninist) | https://t.co/aniAJe8Wiz

Apr 4, 2021, 9 tweets

You didn't use Western sources? Really? Let's see about that. In this video, Vaush cited the WSJ: (1/9)

The Jamestown Foundation, "a Washington, D.C.-based conservative defense policy think tank.[2] Founded in 1984 as a platform to support Soviet defectors" (2/9)

Business Insider, "an American financial and business news website founded in 2007. Since 2015, a majority stake in Business Insider's parent company Insider Inc. has been owned by the German publishing house Axel Springer." (3/9)

Vice (4/9):

Human Rights Watch, the US based org with a revolving door to the US gov (5/9) counterpunch.org/2014/07/11/the…

Buzzfeed, which published articles on China sourced entirely from an Open Technology Fund sponsored project. OTF is literally a US government propaganda cut-out, that also sponsored the Hong Kong riots (6/9):

The New York Times, infamous for copy-and-pasting US government "WMD" lies used to justify to the Iraq war (7/9)

Radio Free Asia, a *literal* US government propaganda organization (8/9):

And extensive use of Wikipedia, whose founder is openly anti-communist by the way (9/9). That's just what I could find from 10 minutes of scanning the video so I'm sure I missed some gems.

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