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Apr 5, 2021, 5 tweets

On behalf of PM, & Central govt & the country, I pay tributes to the security personnel who lost their lives in the Naxal attack. The country will always remember their sacrifice for taking the fight against Naxals to a decisive turn: Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Jagdalpur

In past few years, the fight against Naxalism has reached a decisive turn and this unfortunate incident has taken this fight two steps forward: Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh

I held a review meeting with Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel & officers of security forces. The officers said that this fight should not weaken, which shows that the morale of our jawans is intact: Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Jagdalpur

I want to assure the countrymen that this battle (against Naxals) will be intensified & we will win it in the end. We have successfully set up camps in interior areas in last few years, which has annoyed Naxals resulting in such type of incidents: Home Minister Amit Shah

Both Central & state governments are working in tandem on two fronts -- intensify development works in tribal areas & fight against armed groups. I want to assure people of Chhattisgarh & the country that fight against Naxals will be intensified after this incident: HM Amit Shah

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