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Apr 5, 2021, 6 tweets

Live on @MSNBC:

Coverage of Day 6 of the Derek Chauvin trial continues.

Doctor who pronounced George Floyd dead testifies that Floyd was in cardiac arrest when he arrived at the hospital.

"It's well known that any amount of time that a patient spends in cardiac arrest without immediate CPR markedly decreases the chance of a good outcome."

Dr. Bradford Wankhede Langenfeld:

"Approximately 10-15% decrease in survival for every minute that CPR is not administered."

Live now on @MSNBC:

Minneapolis police chief who fired Derek Chauvin testifies at Chauvin trial.

Live on @MSNBC:

Coverage continues of Derek Chauvin trial as Minneapolis police chief testifies.

Now on MSNBC:

@kasie leads continuing coverage of the Derek Chauvin trial.

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