Will Franklin Profile picture
Yes, that Will Franklin. The very one.

Apr 5, 2021, 8 tweets

It has now been 26 days since March 10th, when Texas "reopened 100%" with no statewide mask mandate; it has been 34 days since @GovAbbott announced the reopening.

So far, so good.

"Cases," positivity rate, hospital and ICU patients with COVID-19, and deaths are all down.

"Cases" are noisy, bouncy, and uneven, for a variety of reasons. Holidays and three-day-weekends impact the reporting. They're a mess. But they're down since Texas reopened 100%, according to @TexasDSHS data.

Next, let's look at the seven-day-averages to get a clearer picture.

The seven-day-average of Texas "cases" of COVID-19:

-DOWN 30.5% from the day Texas "reopened 100%" with no more statewide mask mandate.

-DOWN 54% from the day @GovAbbott made his announcement.

-DOWN 89% from the January peak.

Patients in Texas hospitals testing positive for COVID-19:

-DOWN 37.1% since Texas "reopened 100%" while eliminating its statewide mask mandate.

-DOWN 49.7% since @GregAbbott_TX announced the end of the shutdowns and mandates.

-DOWN 80.5% from the peak.

Patients in Texas ICU beds testing positive for COVID-19:

-DOWN 35.1% since Texas "reopened 100%" with no statewide mask mandate.

-DOWN 48.3% since @GregAbbott_TX announced the end of shutdowns and mandates in Texas.

-DOWN 76% from the January peak.

4.5% of Texas hospital beds (about 1 in 22) are being utilized by those who test positive for COVID-19, which is:

-DOWN 36.3% since Texas fully reopened with no statewide mask mandates.

-DOWN 49.3% since the announcement by @GovAbbott.

-DOWN 79.2% from the January peak.

Final death numbers lag, but those are also down so far in Texas substantially after the 100% reopening and removal of the statewide mask mandates.

The average Texas "positivity rate" on COVID-19 tests is also down to record lows. Lots of great news:

So... amazing news in Texas!

"Cases," hospitalizations, and ICU patients are all down significantly since Texas eliminated mask mandates and reopened 100%.

Other indicators also down in big ways.

Hardest hit? The experts:

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