Dr. Robin Tinghitella @RobinMTing@ecoevo.social Profile picture
Evolutionary & behavioral ecologist. Academic mama x3. Hot yoga, #scicomm, rapid evolution fanatic. Assoc Prof at U of Denver. Black Lives Matter.

Apr 6, 2021, 11 tweets

Last quarter I stole someone's idea to replace exams with not-tests, so students could share their understanding of course material any way they wanted. It was amazing and honestly made grading fun!! Had to share some of their creative work (with permission). I got original art:


Original songs:





And even ghost stories!

Highly, highly recommended!!

A couple of folks have asked about the prompt for this assignment, so here it is. I introduced not-tests in writing on Canvas and in a synchronous class - live discussion seemed to spur ideas! I used a rubric largely borrowed from the amazing @KaneLabUL for sci comm projects.

And here's the rubric - I borrowed heavily from @KaneLabUL for this!! It was simple and I was able to give lots of feedback because it really took no time to grade these - they were too fun!

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