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Apr 6, 2021, 10 tweets

I'm presenting a series here on what I call the

"X Caliber Crypto Codes"

The codes are based on ticker name numerology.

This is for M.agi S.chizo D.ecoding purposes only.

Enjoy... 🧙‍♂️✨

We start with Stellar...

Following here... XDC (XinFin).
This is the same code as XLM (Stellar).

XRP bows to no one... XRP is the Alpha & Omega 🗝️✨

The Seer, the Three-Eyed Raven. 🔮✨

The Dawn Butterfly. 🦋✨

A Pattern Emerges (more PLTR)... ⌛️

There's no such thing as an arrival point... 🧊

It only takes an avalanche (or a huge wave)... 🌊✨

101: Let There Be Light ☀️✨

The One Compass to Rule Them All 🧭
Reveals many things...

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