Tanay Mandowara Profile picture
Holistic Health Coach ~ Fat Loss | Heart Health | Diabetes | PGD in Holistic Nutrition & Clinical Dietetics - Bombay College of Pharmacy - LSI (2025)

Apr 6, 2021, 6 tweets

Intermittent fasting can make you gain weight.


I am not saying that intermittent fasting is bad or doesn't work.


It works great for a lot of people and helps them achieve their health goals as it gives them an 8 hours window to eat their food, giving their eating habits a solid structure.

But intermittent fasting will fail when you eat caloric-dense food instead of nutrient-dense food during your eating window.

Because every calorie is not the same.

Calories consumed through a cookie are not the same as calories consumed through a banana.

A cookie (caloric-dense food) will be digested very quickly, spiking the blood sugar levels but when the sugar levels come crashing down,

it will leave you craving for sugar more than before and THAT will gain you weight.

Compare that to a banana (nutrient-dense food), which is full of Potassium and fibre - nutrients that the body require to function properly.

Lesson: What you eat is very important even when you are doing intermittent fasting with an eating window of 8 hours/day

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