Another Angry Voice Profile picture
Independent media since 2010. Pay As You Feel advocate/Heterodox economics. It's all kicking off on Facebook:

Apr 6, 2021, 17 tweets

Here's an occasionally updated Twitter thread of Another Angry Voice quotation pictures.

It was bad enough in Asimov's day when people tried to give parity to expert knowledge and ignorant opinion.

These days people have learned how to game Twitter by having deliberately shitty opinions for attention (far more attention than experts get for well-structured analyses)

The whole art of Tory politics is tricking poor and ordinary people into supporting policies that massively advantage the mega-rich, at the expense of everyone else.

Debt and poverty are the ultimate forms of control.

Put people in poverty and debt, and they'll fear losing their exploitative jobs so much they'll be extremely reluctant to rock the boat by demanding wage rises and better working conditions.

How many bankers went to jail for trashing the entire global economy with their fraudulent sub-prime mortgage scams, and their reckless gambling on complex financial derivatives they didn't even understand?

The Tories want 10 year jail sentences for throwing an egg at a slave trader statue, or protesting against injustice in a way that causes "annoyance" ... but the bankers who trashed the economy in 2008 are still walking free, with £millions in their bank accounts!

One of the most absurd things about 'centrists' is the way they continually deride others as unrealistic dreamers for arguing that the world needn't be quite so shitty, then propose the most vapid and delusional reasons to justify actively making things worse.

Liberals love to revel in Jacinda Ardern's success in New Zealand, but if she was British & spoke like this, or proposed policies like tax the rich, invest in infrastructure, & rebuild the welfare state, they'd viciously hound her out of UK politics, just like they did to Corbyn

It's somewhat cliché to say 'Orwell was right' these days, but ...

Aldous Huxley wrote this in 1958. The more time passes, the more accurate it's turning out to be.

The main reason to learn some economics is so that you can see when people are spouting absolute economic bollocks at you ("no such thing as magic money trees", "no money left", "maxed out national credit card", "let's cut our way to prosperity" ...)

Nelson Mandela wasn't just an anti-Apartheid campaigner, he was an anti-capitalist too.

This is the legendary Jewish Labour MP Gerald Kaufman.

If he was alive today and said anything like this, the right-wing antisemitism smear brigade would call him a self-hating Jew, and hound him out of the Labour Party.

Emiliano Zapata died on his feet. Tricked into an ambush by a bunch of cowards.

The cowards who shot him in the back are long-forgotten, but Zapata lives on as one of the most inspirational revolutionaries of the 20th Century.

The liberal-capitalist attitude is that it's fine and worthy to mitigate the worst consequences of capitalism, but if you ever start questioning the structural features of capitalism that cause so much inequality and suffering, they'll viciously hound you out of public life.

One of the biggest con tricks capitalists ever pulled was convincing the gullible that socialism means making working people pay for the lifestyles of idle layabouts, when that's precisely what capitalism does.

You have to admit @rustyrockets makes a good point here

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