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senior edtor at the washington post she/her • pls stop making pete buttigieg jokes at me :( • ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

Apr 6, 2021, 5 tweets

I have some sad news: Bart passed away suddenly last week. I've been kind of putting off posting about it because I wasn't really ready to talk about it. Bart was really special, one of the friendliest and cuddliest rats I've ever had (and I've had a LOT of rats).

Bart was incredibly chill. He was the biggest rat in our little group but he was always gentle with the others. When we brought Griffin and Atlas home we were a little worried he and Nick might hurt them bc they were so small. Instead, Bart decided he was their new mom.

He was so chill that he let me get away with goofy shit like putting him in a shark costume and putting a little party hat on him when he and Nick turned 1. Not a lot of rats will put up with that.

haha also I put bat wings on him one time

Rest in Peace little buddy 💜

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