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middle ground

Apr 6, 2021, 12 tweets

Freedom of Speech

Republic of Enlightenment Buffoonery

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Expression


Frenchman in name of secular principles ask woman who just entered with students

Frenchman putting a Muslim women's veil back in the closet or where it belongs

Coming out
Be Who You Are
Express Yourself
My Body My Choice
Freedom to choose

A lady stood up to far right French man

Honourable Lady framed the French man's speech for what it was

the Muslim lady consoles her son who was one of the kids present to witness far right rhetoric aimed at his mother

A school trip aimed at discovering the workings of a democratic assembly caused controversy in France as a far-right French politician sought to target/publically humiliate a Muslim mother accompanying her children, demanding that she take her hijab off…

"The stigmatisation and scapegoating of women wearing a headscarf is not new in France but well-spread for decades now," said Leonard Faytre who recently contributed to the European Islamophobia Report which monitors rising anti-Muslim intolerance in Europe.

“Previous attacks [on Muslims] by Emmanual Macron, his minister of interior/ his minister of education targeting specifically the Muslim minority in France, has normalised far-right ideas,” said Louati

“Emmanual Macron is no different from le Pen or any other racist politician

In September of this year, the French Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer made a strong plea to schools and parent associations to avoid as “much as possible” bringing visibly Muslim mothers on school trips.

French Satire

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